First Timer Filter Question


Mostly New Member
Mar 3, 2014
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Hey all .
I think I've been a bit thick but would like some one to clear something up for me?
My filter has a foam, a carbon and bio media compartment.
Am I right in thinking the beneficial bacteria grow in the bio media department?
Carbon cleans the water of discolouration etc. And the foam gets rid of any larger particles?
I read my maintenance manual for my filter and it said to change the filters every 3-6 weeks, I thought the carbon filter grows the said bacteria, which then raised the question how do they have time to regrow if I have to change it again after 3 weeks?
Do this sound right or would a simple clean of the foam and carbon filters in tank water suffice?
And do I ever have to replace the bio media?
I may be barking up completely the wrong tree with this......Please help?
Oh and by the way my filter is a interpet power filter PF2
You can also get bacteria in the foam and carbon. I've actually just got about a dozen sponges and some ceramic rings in my filter. I generally just clean around 1/3 of the sponges every 1-2 months or when the flow rate drops and leave the ceramic rings alone.
Personally if it were me I'd replace your carbon with sponges and then rinse one set of sponges every 1-2 months (or when flow rate drops)
You are right, don't change the filters ever unless they are falling to bits and then only a bit at a time, just rinse in used tank water if they clog so not on every water change unless the filters output has decreased you will probably find the filter foams last a very long time before you have to replace so saving you money too, the companies will say replace after a few weeks in order to get more money from you.
Manufacturers always say you need to change the media, but that's just so they get money from you. There's no profit for them in telling you to wash it out!

The biomedia and the foam/sponge should never need replacing (well, after a few years they might, if they start to physically deteriorate).

The carbon ones are a slightly different matter. Carbon, while it does make a good home for bacteria, ceases to work efficiently as a chemical media after a relatively short time (perhaps as little as a week). Personally, I'd replace it with more foam, which doesn't get 'used up' as, if you ever need to medicate your tank, you have to remove any carbon filters anyway; even if they're old, they might still be active enough to strip the medication out of the water.
I wondered about this too I have panorama 64L tank from pets at home it has green and white filters in I don't think the white one is carbon but when I have cleaned it there seems to be some sort of gel or something like that inside. I was reading something yesterday about the sponge filter cleaning and have instructed my hubby to gently squeeze twice not squish it to death lol and not dispose till its absolutely falling to pieces :) and was wondering if I could just put another piece of the green course sponge or buy filter wool from e-bay  to put in instead of like you say keep buying expensive manufacturer recommended every 3 to 4 weeks.
Thanks for all the help you've been giving me :)
Ah ok so I was gonna keep the carbon one for now as its cleaning the yellowish colour I got in my water since I put the drift wood in there..I forgot to wash it :p
another thing to maybe keep in mind is to have your filter set up so the first stage hit by the water is a coarse sponge then medium then fine.
Try and get the water as clean as possible from debris and muck before it hits your biological media.
This will improve the biological stage by stopping the media clogging up , letting the bacteria grow as good as possible hopefully preventing any spikes in ammonia / nitrite.

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