First Time Salty ~370L


Fish Crazy
Sep 18, 2009
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Finally, finally I decided to purchase a custom tank to replace my ~150 tank that I was originally planning.

So far on order is a 30x24x24 tank + cabinet + sump (30x18x17) from ND Aquatics - My plan is to have a double sided display situated behind my computer desk so I have a nice view whilst "working". :D

Rough drawing (so I could figure out the size I wanted).

/edit the length in this image is totally wrong! lol (will update it sometime).

My old tropical aquarium set-up is going, so will be buying in all new (+new used) equipment.

Now I have the tank on order, I will start buying...
-2x Heaters
-Skimmer (worth going for a 600l unit over a 400l? doesn't really cost that much more).
-RO Unit
-Return Pump / Power Heads
-4x T5 39w 34" (this is the longest I'm going to get isn't it?)
-Live Rock
-Sand etc
-Test Kits / Thermometers* / Hydrometer etc
+The stuff I have forgotten

I have a rough idea on what model units but have yet to decide - though recommendations on return pumps would be nice :)

Stock ideas so far involve...
Regal or Yellow Tang
Fire Dartfish
Various Shrimp / Hermit Crabs (I don't really like snails - am I the only one?)
-Maybe Valentini Puffer - I know these aren't always reef safe - but generally considered a safe bet right?

I'm sure the list will change as and when my wife sees more pretty ones...

Finally, finally I decided to purchase a custom tank to replace my ~150 tank that I was originally planning.

:hi: to the salty side Dr S

So far on order is a 30x24x24 tank + cabinet + sump (30x18x17) from ND Aquatics - My plan is to have a double sided display situated behind my computer desk so I have a nice view whilst "working". :D

What a fantastic tank for your first reef :good:

Now I have the tank on order, I will start buying...
-2x Heaters

Take a look at Rena smart heaters

-Skimmer (worth going for a 600l unit over a 400l? doesn't really cost that much more).
Take a look at deltec, there are many second hand bargains around

-RO Unit
-Return Pump / Power Heads

Power heads - take a look at Tunze or Koralia

-4x T5 39w 34" (this is the longest I'm going to get isn't it?)
There are longer ones and higher w, but obviously they will not fit in your tank - just check that you cant get 54w in that size - look at iquatics

-Live Rock
Look for a reefer breaking down a tank
-Sand etc
Aragonite - not live!
Many of us use the D & D H2Ocean
-Test Kits / Thermometers* / Hydrometer etc
Salifert and a refractometer - dont bother with a hydrometer, they are not accurate enough unless lab grade
+The stuff I have forgotten

Container for mixing the salty stuff along with a spare heater and power head and a container for water storage + a syphon and good algae magnet


Look forward to watching your tank evolve :good:
Thanks for the comments - it's also nice to know that I already know some of them bits, like not using Live Sand etc.

I didn't think 54w were available in 34" (or <40") - I had a look again, specifically at iquatics too and they don't do any other wattage/inch

Skimmer - display is around 380, sump 150 (150 if it was filled to the top) - should I consider the total volume or the display volume? I was looking at the TMC V2 units, but they are loads cheaper than the other skimmer units which makes me worry - cheaper for a reason right?

Test kits - Salifert - Reading up this is already in my mind as what to go for - I'm right in saying that they don't sell a "master kit" and we have to buy them separate?

Trying to think ahead of time what I will do about aqua-scaping - going to browse around at others a little more - might end up building a little frame/step in the middle.

Will be a while for the tank so no pics for a while, will start to get the equipment in whilst waiting :)
Thanks for the comments - it's also nice to know that I already know some of them bits, like not using Live Sand etc.


I didn't think 54w were available in 34" (or <40") - I had a look again, specifically at iquatics too and they don't do any other wattage/inch

I wasn't sure

Skimmer - display is around 380, sump 150 (150 if it was filled to the top) - should I consider the total volume or the display volume?

Whole volume - I really cant recommend Deltec enough

I was looking at the TMC V2 units, but they are loads cheaper than the other skimmer units which makes me worry - cheaper for a reason right?

They are loads cheaper for a reason! I would rather buy a secondhand MCE 600

Test kits - Salifert - Reading up this is already in my mind as what to go for - I'm right in saying that they don't sell a "master kit" and we have to buy them separate?

Indeed, we have to buy them individually

Trying to think ahead of time what I will do about aqua-scaping - going to browse around at others a little more - might end up building a little frame/step in the middle.

Look forward to seeing it - I think the planning is half the fun of a new tank

Will be a while for the tank so no pics for a while, will start to get the equipment in whilst waiting :)

Best way to do it :good: nice and slow
You will need to use a 39w T5 unit I can recomend the ATI Sunpower 6 x 39 unit I am very impressed with mine.

I would avoid the V2 skimmers they just dont seem to perform as well as others out there if your budget can stretch to a Deltec they are a good choice but for half the price you could fit a Aqua Medic Torboflotor I use the 3000 blue this is very good and skimate is just as thick as a deltec.

Aqua scaping is an art form that I have not mastered I have seen some really impressive work done with acrylic rods and a drill I went with the pile of rocks look with lots of nooks and crannys ;)
Guess I should be considering the MC500 or 600 then for size.

As for the TMC - I was wondering what makes it not as good - amount it can pull out? build quality? reliability? noise?

Already have my eye on the Rena heaters - I need to double check but a pair of 200w's I think should suffice.
Guess I should be considering the MC500 or 600 then for size.

I would get the mce 600, I love um

As for the TMC - I was wondering what makes it not as good - amount it can pull out? build quality? reliability? noise?

All the above :good:

Already have my eye on the Rena heaters - I need to double check but a pair of 200w's I think should suffice.

Yep, just in case one stops working :good:

Seffie x
Morri - I will keep the Torboflotor unit in mind :)

I will using my own light fixings inside the hood. Just wondering now if I should go for 6x or start with 4x and look at running MH alongside later on :)
Ordered some items \o/

-H2Ocean Salt 23kg
-Rio 2500 Pump
-Rena SmartHeater 300w + Jager 300w
-Salifert Test Kits - Ammonia / Nitrite / Nitrate / pH
-Net + Glass Scrubber

-4 compact digital timer sockets

-4 power head+wave controller (a cheapie - if the power heads are not up to scratch I want the controller innards).

I already own a temp gauge before anyone points it out :p

I have my eye on a few RO Units and Refractometers on ebay and will order sand in the next few days when I've decided.

Hopefully this will be all the stuff I need to get the rock in (when the tank arrives ;)) - although I loads of time to get the lights/skimmer/etc ready.

Got my eyes on a Turboflotor 3000 Blue on recommendation from Morri. :)
Parts arrived today :)

Digital compact timers - I hate the analogue clicky clacky ones and the huge digital units are a waste of space - compacts only for me! Worked out around £6.20 each for 4 - too bad one is DOA currently.

The Jager is HUGE! 50cm/19.7" - why so big?
Both the Rena and Jager are 300w - Rena says 300l, Jager says 600-1000l - they are both 300w output so surely they should be the "same" ?
Had a bit of a worry it wouldn't fit in the sump - but in the "spare" chamber I have 9"x18" flat space which leaves 20.1" diagonal! only just!

Any thoughts on LowaPhos vs RowaPhos? And is it worth getting it in right away?

Expecting in the mail...
-24kg Salt (Same company sent via different courier - missed them today!)
-Powerheads + Controller

Items ordered...
-20kg Aragonite Sand
-20kg Aragonite Gravel
Gosh your postman has been busy

Busy is an understatement, I just got my 2x20kg bags of sand, both packed into one box... apparently it was a comedy sight seeing the courier carry a 40(44)kg box up the drive (I thought they had weight limits they could carry, just like airline baggage handlers 32kg?). Not really impressed with the packing of the sand, bottom of a box and you expect the box not to fall apart?.

Though, not all bad... the coral Aragonite gravel was a 24kg bag (actual weight)!

-23kg D&D H2Ocean Salt
-24kg Arognite Gravel
-20kg Arognite Sand
-WM-3 Powerheads x4 / Controller
-O3 Generator (+ORP Gauge/Calibration solution).
-150w Metal Halide Ballast and Reflector
-100USG RO Unit (3Stage+DI)

-A tank! ;) :( :blink: :crazy: :shifty: :rolleyes:
-4x 70w MH Ballasts - for a custom build, no idea what I will do regarding lighting yet,
-Airline + Air stones + Y connectors etc (not necessarily for this tank).
-Water level alarms
-Digital Temp Guage (yes, another)
-Another tank (offered to me from my sister) 34L "all in one" unit which is going to be a freshwater setup, looking for stocking ideas
Still waiting for the tank mainly, other odds and ends on their way the only thing I have received since are the 70w ballasts I was given, but they are only 35w for some reason (but with 70w HM bulbs?, which were only 3000k anyway so did intend to replace them).

Not ordered anything else yet, the main purchases are going to be the Skimmer (Turbo Flotor Blue 3000 most likely) and the lighting, which I have yet to decide what I will do... link is here regarding the lights any ideas?

Thing is, my tank is due in around 5 weeks, but my wife is due in 7 weeks! I guess it will give me enough time to get the tank cycled!


-Skimmer Turbo Flotor Blue 3000

-Airline + Air stones + Y connectors etc (not necessarily for this tank).
-Water level alarms
-Digital Temp Guage (yes, another)
-PhosBan lost my sale as they only take paypal and paypal will only take 10 or so transactions on a card before they require you to have an account, which I refuse to sign up to. Found it somewhere else though, same price, free delivery and has a "regular" card payment processor option.

/edit I'm editing this post as it's the last in the thread and is only a minor update.

Received the skimmer today, the box is h000ge :D A lot of money for such a (sort of) simple plastic tube, maybe I should have looked more at making my own :p

Tank is arriving tomorrow! So just under 6 weeks.

Will just be running the MH for a bit until I decide on what lighting I want to use (most likely 39w tubes alongside the MH).

I want some egg crate, anyone know a good cheap (UK, online) source?

-Airline + Air stones + Y connectors etc (not necessarily for this tank).
-Water level alarms

-Digital Temp Guage
-150w MH Bulb 20,000k

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