in my personal experience, the turtle will do fine no matter where you put it.
yes you should spend $1000 to setup a perfect habitat for her. but then again, in a realistic world,
if yo uhad $1000 to spend on the turtle, you would probably get a different pet.
my parents found a baby RES on their front door step in 2006. until february of 2008, that baby turtle
was kept on "turtle islands," buckets and even a foot spa tub thing. no filtration, sometimes no water,
and when there was water it tended to be filthy. she stayed tiny but survived those 2 years without
getting a single infection.
in 2008 i got into fishkeeping, and then moved her into a 10G tank with two filters and a small floating dock.
she tripled in size in 3 months. now she's in a 29G tank, again with two internal filters running.
my family can't afford to get her UVB/UVA lamps or an external canister filter, or a 100G tank for that matter.
when she outgrows the tank she will have to be rehomed or something, but until then, i can tell you
my turtle has had a rough life but she's never been sick, she's very healthy, no shell problems and
looks just beautiful....
so, do the best you can. if you can't afford it, don't get it. but if you already have the turtle, do the best
you can within your means and by all means, DO NOT RELEASE. in my county it is now illegal to sell or buy RES turtles
precisely because too many people kept releasing them...
good luck and have fun.