Well heres a load of questions for you lol
I want to set up a FOWLR tank with a pair of percula clowns and some other critters i have a 125l tank, my tap water ph is around 6.4 is this ok or should i use RO
I want to use sand as a substrate do i need special stuff or will play sand do?
I have around 12 time turnover now with a external filter and power head, should i add another power head?
I have 40w of t8 with good reflectors is this sufficient?
Do i need a skimmer or could i use http://www.aquaessentials.co.uk/tmc-v2skim-compact-surface-skimmer-p-4586.html ?
Thanks very much
I want to set up a FOWLR tank with a pair of percula clowns and some other critters i have a 125l tank, my tap water ph is around 6.4 is this ok or should i use RO
I want to use sand as a substrate do i need special stuff or will play sand do?
I have around 12 time turnover now with a external filter and power head, should i add another power head?
I have 40w of t8 with good reflectors is this sufficient?
Do i need a skimmer or could i use http://www.aquaessentials.co.uk/tmc-v2skim-compact-surface-skimmer-p-4586.html ?
Thanks very much