First Time Fish Owner


New Member
Aug 9, 2009
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Hi everyone, I am a first time fish owner. We got a 55 gallon tank with cichlids...Im not to sure what i am doing..we have an Oscar, Red blood Parrot, Ahli and about 8 other smaller problem is my parrot stays inside the caves and only comes out to eat when no one is in the room...its not very nice to the other fish and im wondering if it is Oscar is only about 5 inches now but very very friendly, he swims up to the top looking for food all the time and doesnt bother any of the other Ahli is very aggressive...we have had them for about 2 weeks now and they all seem to get along ok except for the parrot... i wanted to know if this tank is big enough for these fish and how often i should be feeding them..they seem to be hungry all the time....
How did you acquire this tank? Did you start with a new tank and stock it with all these fish, or did you get it from someone else with all the inhabitants? If you got it from someone else, how was the tank transferred to your home? As for the timing of feeding them, I feed my fish once a day. Others will chime in on how many fish you have and whether the tank is big enough. The general rule is 1 inch of fish per gallon. You have to consider full grown size. I do know the Oscar will grow very large and will likely need the whole tank eventually.
How did you acquire this tank? Did you start with a new tank and stock it with all these fish, or did you get it from someone else with all the inhabitants? If you got it from someone else, how was the tank transferred to your home? As for the timing of feeding them, I feed my fish once a day. Others will chime in on how many fish you have and whether the tank is big enough. The general rule is 1 inch of fish per gallon. You have to consider full grown size. I do know the Oscar will grow very large and will likely need the whole tank eventually.
we got the tank new...we never had fish before...we started off with 5 then just added more...the oscar is still small hes is my 9 year old sons fish...when he grows we are going to put him in his own tank...i just dont want them to start eating each other...and i dont understand why the parrot wont come out of the cave...
How did you acquire this tank? Did you start with a new tank and stock it with all these fish, or did you get it from someone else with all the inhabitants? If you got it from someone else, how was the tank transferred to your home? As for the timing of feeding them, I feed my fish once a day. Others will chime in on how many fish you have and whether the tank is big enough. The general rule is 1 inch of fish per gallon. You have to consider full grown size. I do know the Oscar will grow very large and will likely need the whole tank eventually.

The 1" of fish per gallon rule does not count for any fish that gets over 4" full grown.

You have too many Cichlids in that tank that is the problem. You are going to run into a disaster once they are full grown, you think aggression is bad now. What are the 8 other Cichlids?

How old is the tank? You shouldn't add fish until you cycle a tank. Make sure to test your water as you could be showing Ammonia/Nitrite.
How did you acquire this tank? Did you start with a new tank and stock it with all these fish, or did you get it from someone else with all the inhabitants? If you got it from someone else, how was the tank transferred to your home? As for the timing of feeding them, I feed my fish once a day. Others will chime in on how many fish you have and whether the tank is big enough. The general rule is 1 inch of fish per gallon. You have to consider full grown size. I do know the Oscar will grow very large and will likely need the whole tank eventually.
we got the tank new...we never had fish before...we started off with 5 then just added more...the oscar is still small hes is my 9 year old sons fish...when he grows we are going to put him in his own tank...i just dont want them to start eating each other...and i dont understand why the parrot wont come out of the cave...

You might want to start looking for that other tank now because cichlids grow very fast. You're going to want at least another 55 gallon tank just for that lone oscar, and another 70 gallon tank just for the ahli. Man, for somebody just getting into fish keeping you really decided to go in head first. It sounds like you are going to have a house full of tanks before to long just to satisfy your current fish. There are entire websites devoted just to oscars. Im guessing some of your other fish are potential monsters too. Mind posting a list of your complete stock? It sounds like you are going to have a lot of work to do if you want to keep all of these fish alive. Did you buy any water testing kits?

I have a feeling you are going to get a lot of good advice from people on here and you are not going to want to hear it. I'm sure you will get the obligatory "generally people do research before they buy live animals to keep as pets". You know, that nonsense.

To make this easier, you just might want to tell us what you know about fishkeeping and what your level of experience is. Because keeping fish alive is a lot more complex and time consuming than most people think. Sure like with everything else you can get lucky, but, in the opinion of most people on this site, and everyother fish keeping site on the net, its better just to do it the correct way. If you're not ready to have a house full of tanks in a few months, than I highly suggest you contact the person who sold you all of these and see if they will take them back. This is no joke. You are seriously in fish hell, this is one of the worst cases of bad advice from a fish store i've ever read. Did nobody at the store question your purchases? Did you ask anyone at the store for advice?

The hiding blood parrot should be the least of your concerns. If he comes out of his hiding spot he will probably end up as lunch for your Ahli.

Oh, ALSO, you have a mixture of African and South American Cichlids in that tank and that is also something you shouldn't do.
How did you acquire this tank? Did you start with a new tank and stock it with all these fish, or did you get it from someone else with all the inhabitants? If you got it from someone else, how was the tank transferred to your home? As for the timing of feeding them, I feed my fish once a day. Others will chime in on how many fish you have and whether the tank is big enough. The general rule is 1 inch of fish per gallon. You have to consider full grown size. I do know the Oscar will grow very large and will likely need the whole tank eventually.
we got the tank new...we never had fish before...we started off with 5 then just added more...the oscar is still small hes is my 9 year old sons fish...when he grows we are going to put him in his own tank...i just dont want them to start eating each other...and i dont understand why the parrot wont come out of the cave...

You might want to start looking for that other tank now because cichlids grow very fast. You're going to want at least another 55 gallon tank just for that lone oscar, and another 70 gallon tank just for the ahli. Man, for somebody just getting into fish keeping you really decided to go in head first. It sounds like you are going to have a house full of tanks before to long just to satisfy your current fish. There are entire websites devoted just to oscars. Im guessing some of your other fish are potential monsters too. Mind posting a list of your complete stock? It sounds like you are going to have a lot of work to do if you want to keep all of these fish alive. Did you buy any water testing kits?

I have a feeling you are going to get a lot of good advice from people on here and you are not going to want to hear it. I'm sure you will get the obligatory "generally people do research before they buy live animals to keep as pets". You know, that nonsense.

To make this easier, you just might want to tell us what you know about fishkeeping and what your level of experience is. Because keeping fish alive is a lot more complex and time consuming than most people think. Sure like with everything else you can get lucky, but, in the opinion of most people on this site, and everyother fish keeping site on the net, its better just to do it the correct way. If you're not ready to have a house full of tanks in a few months, than I highly suggest you contact the person who sold you all of these and see if they will take them back. This is no joke. You are seriously in fish hell, this is one of the worst cases of bad advice from a fish store i've ever read. Did nobody at the store question your purchases? Did you ask anyone at the store for advice?

The hiding blood parrot should be the least of your concerns. If he comes out of his hiding spot he will probably end up as lunch for your Ahli.

Oh, ALSO, you have a mixture of African and South American Cichlids in that tank and that is also something you shouldn't do.
the people at the store sold me all the fish together..when i bought the tank and told me it would be fine..i guess they lied...they told me i didnt need to test the water as long as we kept changing 10 % out weekly...great....obviously i know nothing about fish and u are a big far as what fish i have 1 tiger oscar, 1 red blood parrot, 1 male ahli, 1 electric yellow, 2 jailhouse and two others idont know what they are they are small..the only thing they told me was that i couldnt put another ahli in and that i would need a different tank when the oscar oscar and ahli are about 4-5 inches now and all the others except for the parrot are really small like 1-3 inches...right now no one is bothering anyone else they all seem to get along very well...oh my i dont know what to not worried about the money i have children love these fish and i dont want anything to happen to them...we have had them for 3 weeks now....thank u so much for all your help...i appreciate anything u have to offer positive or negative...
Juvinile fish generally are not agressive. Fish become agressive when they reach breading ages which is also when they become territorial. In a tank that small with that many fish there isnt going to be much territory to go around. Obviously the fish stores exist first and formost to make a buck, which is where the problems start. Secondly, a lot of them just flat out dont know what they are talking about.

I wish somebody else would jump in here and offer up some more advice because quite honestly, their are a lot of people here who know a hell of a lot more than I do.

I'm assuming jailhouse cichlid is a Convict and electric yellow is a yellow lab? Again, Mixing old world and new world cichlids is usually not done as a rule of thumb.

I think your tank is a ticking time bomb thoough and you are going to wake up one morning to dead fish, one way or another. If its not from the water becoming toxic with ammonia it will be from aggression and fighting. You need to get more tanks or get rid of some of those fast. The Oscar and the Ahli would be first on my list. I understand its your sons fish but its likely going to just die if you dont return it.
Ok, this looks like another case of the store couldnt give a poop and just sell you anything without giving out the correct advice, because they dont care about the welfare of the fish and because if they die (and they will if you dont take action now) then you go back and buy more. Its unfortunately normal practice for alot of stores.

The Oscar alone will require a 75g tank for long term health, growth and happiness. So unless you can afford to upgrade within the next two months (because he will grow and fast) then I advise you return him or re-home him asap, I know this will upset your son, but it would be more upsetting to see him stunted and unhappy or die.

The Ahli, electric yellow are African Mbuna cichlids and as such should not be housed with any NW (South/Central American) cichlids, so these need returning or rehoming unless you wish to go with a Mbuna set up tank, they completely different requirements to NW cichlids.

The jailhouse, assuming convict if you get a pair, are extremely aggressive when spawning, although these are suitable for your size tank, but not kept with many other NW cichlids because of the aggression if they pair up, if they dont, then they can stay relatively peaceful enough for a reasonable sized community tank.

The BP is also suitable for the 55g, could work with the convicts (again only if they dont pair up).

So you need to research these fish and make some decision quickly about their future.

Now, you also need to get yourself a very good quality liquid test kit, (API, Nutrafin for example) and you will need to test your water and keep the ammonia and nitrIte below 0.25ppm whilst cycling (ideally once cycled these parameters should not go over 0 ). This will mean lots and lots of large water changes, 50% at a time, 2,3,4x daily for approx 4 weeks until the tank is cycled. To understand cycling, please read the links in the 'New to the Hobby' Section on the TFF site, these will guide you thru how to cycle the tank, the best for the health of the fish.

Another alternative and one I strongly suggest for the health and longterm welfare of these fish, is to return them ALL and do a fishless cycle (again link in new to the hobby section) whilst researching the best fish for your tank and asking as many question as it takes to understand their requirements BEFORE buying anymore.

I know some of this sounds like Im having a go, Im not, this isnt your fault, you relied on what you thought was a good place to get information, unfortunately they lied or didnt have a clue what they were talking about and have left you in this position.

Plenty of members here will be more than willing to help you thru this and advise to the best of their ability (and we have some very knowledgable members) and help you get a good balanced fish set up which both you and your fish can enjoy for a long time to come.
Having just read through this thread it's really made me sad! I really feel for you Sspence, genuinely!
If I were you I would take heed of the above advice and take all the fish back to the shop you bought them from and either ask them to hold on to the regional chiclid varieties that you can house within that tank.
I would also print this thread out and take it with you and that will explain to them why you are bringing them back and also may even educate them!
You must have spent a fortune on the tank and the stock and they must have been rubbing their hands with glee as you walked out of their shop with it all!

Once you have taken them back (if that's what you choose to do) please come back and update us on your situation as like Jim says there are some extremely knowledgeable members on here that will be more than willing to assist you and your family get through this.

Best of luck!
Any updates Spence?
we went to a different fish store and i think we will be ok...we are getting another 55 gallon tank next week to house the oscar...we are going to move the ahli and keep all the other fish in the old 55 gallon tank since they are all the same size... the people at the new store were very helpful and told us the same things as you did....thank u so much for your help...i wouldnt of known what do do with out all the advice from the people on here....i will keep u posted....
Any updates Spence?
we went to a different fish store and i think we will be ok...we are getting another 55 gallon tank next week to house the oscar...we are going to move the ahli and keep all the other fish in the old 55 gallon tank since they are all the same size... the people at the new store were very helpful and told us the same things as you did....thank u so much for your help...i wouldnt of known what do do with out all the advice from the people on here....i will keep u posted....

Glad you got to a store that helped. The guys at the other store really steered you guys wrong - I've been there too. I had owned one Oscar in a 55 for several years, and when I got back in I was sold too many Cichlids for the tank, Cichlids I was totally ignorant about and given wrong info as to eventual size and space needs. Feels awful b/c you trust someone who seems to really know what they are saying. My current LFS will actually talk me out of adding fish, and have different guys who know certain Cichclids, plecos, etc.. Had a guy yesterday counsel me to only add one pleco to my 55g to see if it'll work with one of my grumpier residents (a Cutteri who I suspect killed a prior very young bristlenose) despite fact little kid in me wanted to add more. Hope this is type of place you've found. Also glad your son kept the Oscar. :D
Any updates Spence?
we went to a different fish store and i think we will be ok...we are getting another 55 gallon tank next week to house the oscar...we are going to move the ahli and keep all the other fish in the old 55 gallon tank since they are all the same size... the people at the new store were very helpful and told us the same things as you did....thank u so much for your help...i wouldnt of known what do do with out all the advice from the people on here....i will keep u posted....

Glad you got to a store that helped. The guys at the other store really steered you guys wrong - I've been there too.

I wish more people were like you guys. A lot of the people at my store do what they want regardless of what I say. This one guy took incorrect advice from Petland over my advice. Well, his loss I guess...

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