First Time 24g Nano Cube!


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Jan 6, 2008
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Hi guys!

As the title suggests, I am jsut about to set up my first marine tank, which is the 24g Nano Cube. I've been reading through all the great threads on here about getting set up and just wanted to clarify a few points!

Is my best bet to remove the provided filter media and put in some live rubble instead? I've had different suggestions from my lfs, but from reading here, it looks as though putting live rubble into the middle section and possible keeping one of the provided sponges in the left hand section, with the heater and pump in the right is the suggested set up?? It thats the case, is it just the live rubble that I want in the middle, or is it best to keep any other media in there too, ie a sponge, ceramic rings or the carbon that comes with the tank?? And finally on that point, if I go for the rubble, how much would i need?? Oh, and can i get away without this section having its own light??

Next point on the set up is whether its ok to put the live rock and live sand into the tank at the same point as adding the rubble to the filtration system, ie, there will be nothing else in there, just the water and possible a filter sponge??

any tips greatly received!!
There is lots of debate on whether to use boiballs and ceramics in SW tanks on this site. While I have no idea what is "right" or if there is even an answer to this question, it seems that most people on this site agree it is better to get rid of bioballs and ceramics.

I would put the sand, rock, and rubble in all at the same time to allow them to all cure together. Be sure to use salt water though because fresh water will likely kill the beneficial bacteria on the rock.

Also, the sponge is a good idea because it will collect any larger items floating around in your tank. They do, however, collect a lot of junk and quickly will turn into nitrate factories. Just make sure you rinse the sponge often. To make it easier, when doing you water change, rinse the sponge thoroughly in the old water that has been removed.

That was the way I was thinking of heading! What about the carbon media in a bag, should I leave that in too??

Also, any suggestions as to whether the rubble will be ok without light??
From what I have heard, carbon is fine to leave in there because it removes impurities from the water. Unfortunately, I dont know in what cases its required and when it can be left out. Ill leave that to someone else to answer...

As far as the live rock rubble light requirements, I just recently asked this question myself because Im planning on using some in my Fluval canister filter which will be totally enclosed. I was told it will be totally fine with no light. Just vaccuum off any accumulated debris every so often.
From what I have heard, carbon is fine to leave in there because it removes impurities from the water. Unfortunately, I dont know in what cases its required and when it can be left out. Ill leave that to someone else to answer...

As far as the live rock rubble light requirements, I just recently asked this question myself because Im planning on using some in my Fluval canister filter which will be totally enclosed. I was told it will be totally fine with no light. Just vaccuum off any accumulated debris every so often.
You'd be better to take out the bio-balls and the sponges. I left the ceramic materials in. But keep the active carbon and add live rock rubble to the empty chambers.
OK, so I am going to put the sponge in the left chamber, with the rubble and carbon in the centre.

Anyone have any suggestions as to the quantity of live rubble for a tank this size, or anyone else who has this tank?? Also, will I be OK mixing the water in the empty tank before any of the live rock/rubble/sand have been added, and putting them in oe the s.g is correct??
OK, so I am going to put the sponge in the left chamber, with the rubble and carbon in the centre.

Anyone have any suggestions as to the quantity of live rubble for a tank this size, or anyone else who has this tank?? Also, will I be OK mixing the water in the empty tank before any of the live rock/rubble/sand have been added, and putting them in oe the s.g is correct??
Most people beleive that the sponges can be nitrate factorys.You should take out the sponges and add live rubble into the left and center chamber.Not exactly sure if its okay to mix the water in the tank. You could add live rock and sand the day after you put the water in you would'nt have to wait for s.g. to be correct.
Thanks for the pointers! I'm just waiting for delivery of some salt and test kits and i will be getting up and running next weekend, I'll keep you all posted as to my progress!

The only thing i'm not sure on is the quantity of rubble required for a 24g nano cube. I'm going to get about 15kg of rock for the main tank, but don't know how much rubble to get for the filters. Anyone out there with a similar set up, or should put this query in a new thread??
get enough to fill the chambers but not tightly...enough so if you could pick of the chamber, you could shake it around and the rocks would have room to move around and shift...if that makes sense? You want the water to casually flow through and over the rocks rather than being forced through it...that will cause detrius and waste to build up and in essence become a nitrate trap.

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