First tank, please review my plans and suggest


Fish Fanatic
Dec 12, 2004
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Hello, I am very excited as I will soon be purchasing my first tank.

It will either be a 55 gallon or 75 gallon tank, I have not decided yet.

I have decided on an Emporer 400 Filter.

I need suggestions on the following:
-recommendation for a heater (I'm thinking 300W titanium heater), any brand you prefer?
-recommendation for a test kit (I would like to test for ph, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, and hardness) . Also, could someone explain to me what GH and KH mean and how they are related to the water quality.
-water conditioner, any recommendations?
-any particular thermometer type or brand?

I plan on using sand. I found the following sand at a local store:
Fairmont pure white, washed, silica sand (non-toxic)
This is the only information I have on it (from the package), but since it is non-toxic, it should be OK for an aquarium, correct?

I plan to build a canopy myself. I am looking into using one or two 2-light $6.50 shoplight case(s) (20,34,40 watt). Can anyone explain what the T-? means in flourescent lighting. These say they are T-12, others say they are T-8, what does this mean? Also, would 40W 4100K shoplight bulbs work for plants?

I plan on having easy to keep plants: anachris, java fern, java moss (if I can find it, none of the stores near me have any), vallis, and maybe a big sword if someone could recommend a hard-to-kill one.

Thank you very much for reading all this, I look forward to your responses.

Also, has anyone in the central US ordered from BigAl's? I would appreciate anyone sharing their experiences ordering from them.
(end edit)

Go with an african cichlid tank. They have alot of color and I just pefer cichlids. Id get like 10 yellow labs, then some other species. Personally I hate anacharis becasue they always uproot for me, Id got for more swords. Nice choice on the white sand,I also ahve the same type of sand and none of my fish are dead. Also nice choice on the emperor, I love mine. If you get a 75 gallon, its just what I would do because I like to overfilter, get a canister filter also.
Great news on the sand, thanks for sharing.

I think I'll have to rethink my lighting. Though the price is tempting, I think I'll search for a T8 fixture. For those wondering, the number is the number of eighths of an inch the bulb is in diameter. Also, T8's are more efficient. Finally, T12 bulbs will be discontinued on a wide scale within the next year or two.

Anyone else have any opinions on heater, test kit, etc.?
Water conditioner - I recommend Aquarium pharmicuticals super strength. Mine costed 4 or 5 bucks and treats over 7000 gallons. Don't buy anything that has Aloe or anything like that, you just want dechlorinator. This water conditioner is 16x stronger than Stress coat, so just buy it. I really stress that you shouldn't pay more than you have to on this.

My favorite online store is , they're a few dollars cheaper than Big Al's. The conditioner that I mentioned is on here, go to water conditioners on the left menu.

I would recommend Malawi cichlids, preferably Mbuna (rock dwellers), they are easily fed (vegetarians), quite colorful, you can overstock the tank a little, and are fun to watch.

What's your PH like?

GH and KH directly affect your PH, if you raise your PH and either of those is still low, the high PH won't last.

I use pool filter sand (silica) and got 100lb bag for $15, I don't recommend buying it at the pet store, as it will be much more expensive.
I bought my sand at the lfs beacuse I wanted white sand and couldnt find it anywhere else.
There is something pinned about KH and GH I think - called 'what's in your water either in the beginner's forum or in tropical chit chat. :)

With thermometer - go for one of those floating ones that go inside your tank.

With the heater, a submersible heater with a thermostat is best. I don't know which brand to suggest though.

Are you going to fishless cycle? What are your plans for stocking?
Thanks for the pointer to the hardness info sylvia!

Why do you suggest a floating thermometer?

I am planning on going fishless cycle.

I have not decided on my stocking plans yet. I have a few ideas though.

Idea 1) Community tank
-8 harlequin rasboras
-10 cardinals
-ghost shrimp
-apple snails
-amano shrimp

-assortment of plants as described in first post

Idea 2) a complete south american themed tank
-8 hatchetfish
-10 cardinals
-5 panda cories
-4 ottos

-lots of driftwood, native plants (need to do research on this), maybe bogwood to lower pH (where would I buy bogwood?)

Idea 3) a complete south asian themed tank
-10 harlequin rasboras
-2 pearl gourami
-3 kuhli loach

- rocks, some driftwood, native plants (would need to do reseach on this)

Lots of cichlid lovers here! I don't think I will do african cichlids because I would rather have the tank lightly stocked and lots of plants to reduce maintenance. Cichlids would need heavy duty filtration and big rocks, neither of which I could get cheaply around here.

I am looking into making my own rocks using sand, concrete, and oyster shells. These would raise the tank's pH which would be good for cichlids, but not at the present time.
When I said floating I just meant one for inside the tank - rather than one of those you stick on the outside or whatever ;)

With the bogwood, I wouldn't suggest you try to lower pH. A steady pH is better than one that fluctuates and you are likely to find yours fluctuates when you do a water change if you add untreated/unsoaked bogwood.

BUT, if you can get bogwood (from your LFS, LPS or order online) and soak it to get rid of all the tannins, you could use it effectively as part of the decor.

I have to say I'd go for option 3) :p I'm biased though (seriously biased) cause pearl gouramies :wub: (well any gouramies actualy) are my favourite species so I couldn't possibly go for something else... Then again, harlequins :wub: also happen to undeniably be the best schooling fish and khulie loaches are so cute: :wub: This set-up would also seem very balanced IMO... Something in all water layers but not over-the-top.
Damn, those numbers are way too small for my tastes. You could do A LOT more fish with each of those combinations
Dew what would you suggest? I'm hoping that the plants will grow in really well, so it won't look so empty. I think I like the idea of a themed tank. So it's looking like either #2 or #3 above, with the possibility of adding more fish and invertibrates if you can think of any you like that would fit.

Also, I have thought of a new consideration. this tank will be going in my bedroom. Do you think the emporer is quiet enough, or would it make noise? Also, I'm looking at some additional pumps and they would have to be very quiet. Would I be able to sleep with a Mag pump in the same room? A Mag 7 is what I'm thinking of, but I could go smaller/another brand to be quieter. :dunno:
I slept with a standard noisy set up in my room in college and I found it the most peaceful thing. I never had insomnia in those days... ;)
Alright, after thinking about it and looking at pictures, I think I'm going to get the following:

Southeastern Asia Biotope:

8 Harlequin Rasboras
8 Tiger Barbs
3 Blue 3-spot Gouramis
5 Kuhli Loaches - couldn't find them last time I went to the LFstores
4 Ottos - To be added in a few months
4 Cherry Shrimp or Singapore Shrimp - if I can find them in the LFS
Malaysian Trumpet Snails - these will stir the sand bed, the problem is where to find them.

Java Ferns
Java Moss - Can't find it anywhere, but I want some
Green Hygro - if can be found
Dwarf Hairgrass - if can be found
Crypts - Can't find any types anywhere around here yet

Of course all of these are cost dependant and I'd have to find them first.

So, if there is anyone in central IL that has: Malaysian Trumpet Snails, Java Moss, Crypts, Cherry Shrimp, or Kuhli Loaches and is looking to sell/get rid of any, please reply.

Or can anyone recommend a good place to buy plants online? Buying fish online seems very expensive compared to LFS, is plants any different?
nonot8946 said:
Or can anyone recommend a good place to buy plants online? Buying fish online seems very expensive compared to LFS, is plants any different?
I've ordered from Aquatic Plant Depot before -- the nice part with them is, shipping is $10 whether you order 1 plant or 20 plants. So if you're looking to order a bunch at once, that's a good option.

I've also bought plants from Aquabid and ebay. I got my java moss and hornwort from Aquabid because I couldn't find it anywhere locally, and the price was right.

I've also heard very good things about, though I've never ordered from them before. Their prices seem good, but not sure about their shipping rates.

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