First Tank For 2 Years, Stocking A 60l. Suggestions Please!


Fish Crazy
Dec 2, 2004
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Hey all.

Basically, a few years ago I had a few tropical aquariums and also worked in my lfs. I've been thinking for a while i'd like to get a tank again. Tomorrow I am going to buy an aquarium in the region of 60-90l and so I have about a month to choose what to stock it with. I am open to any suggestions as I really don't know what to stock it with.

Please help!!!

shoal of 20 WCMMS 10 at a time very interesting little fish. always downgraded to unpopular becuase they are so much available.

very nice colours and different varietys.
It's an interesting suggestion. I think i'll be slightly reluctant to fill the tank with one kind of fish, even though you can get different types of minnows, as I'm excited about it all now and I'd like a bit of variety. If it was to be one type of fish then I would probably go for a larger one that was more unusual.

Thankyou very much for the suggestion though, I'm not ruling out having some minnows as part of a community setup.

ello mate

I have a 60l tank, and in mine i have gt three shoals of green neon tetras, rummy nose tetras and cherry barb, wtih 2 khuli loachs and a clown pleco to give you an idea mate
hope it helps
I would favor small fish for a small tank like that. Maybe some heterandria formosa with a few endlers and pygmy cories as a cleanup crew. It really depends on what catches your fancy as far as stocking but there are lots of small fish that would look great in a group for a small tank.

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