First Spawn Diary


Feb 16, 2006
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Hill-billy dumping ground, NY
Ok, I've bred once before but the 2 fish were seasoned veterans and were quite easy + I had a lot of help. So this spawn I'm doing on my own. Both fish are first timers. I conditioned them for a week and now they're in the tank, the females in a cup floating on the top so they can see eachother, the males flaring alot, the girlie seems kinda stressed (Normal?) Shes very eggy, but has no breeding bars yet. I hope I'm doing ok. No bubble nest starting yet either

Thats Shiloh


and blueberry (I know shes not blue, lol)

The first pair didn't work out -_- so I'm trying the pair of VTs I'm gonna spawn for my lfs. bubblenest is built (mostly) they're in together. Mommas playing a bit hard to get though, she'll follow him to the nest then swim away and he'll start making it bigger, they've been doing that for at least an hour. Hopefully there'll be eggs tonight :D
Even if there are no eggs today leave them a couple of days, well providing they're not getting too beat up it took my first pair 4 days before they spawned even though the female barred up straight away and was interested in what the guy was doing!

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