First Red Claw Crab And Im Worried


New Member
Jan 13, 2011
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hello everyone i just got my first red claw crab and i saved up for the tank the crab and everything and my little sister broke my heater i have no idea how but now its no longer workig and im scared for my R.C.C its not eating, the water is staying at about 64F she is still moving aroung and livly but isnt eating a thing for the past two days and at the moment i have no money for a new heater. i would apriciate any advice you can give me
hello everyone i just got my first red claw crab and i saved up for the tank the crab and everything and my little sister broke my heater i have no idea how but now its no longer workig and im scared for my R.C.C its not eating, the water is staying at about 64F she is still moving aroung and livly but isnt eating a thing for the past two days and at the moment i have no money for a new heater. i would apriciate any advice you can give me

sorry i'm so late answering this. there is only one solution. empty the tank and leave a largish bowl of brackish water in there. fill the rest, of the base, with gravel or sand. get a few household bulbs, and sort of their power supply. attach the bulbs to the hood. bingo. you are keeping the Crab as it should be kept. (they live on land not in water. though they do need brackish water to hand.)

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