First Pygmy Cory Passed Away.


Fish Herder
Aug 28, 2009
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I purchased four pygmy corries and all have been doing great these last few weeks I've had them. Then today one quite moving around. I scooped him out with a net and put him in a cup of tank water. I did so because I was worried other fish in the tank might snack on him. After an hour of being "quarantined" he died.

Question is - is having sand subrate an abolsute with Pygmys? The gravel I have is smooth and is the same i use for all my fish, but with Pygmys do they need considerably finer substrate (i.e. IF I want a community tank with pygmy cories, must I buy sand for such a set up?)
Depends on how fine your gravel is, but you would know if thats what did him in because his barbels would have looked worn down and red. Assuming tank stats were fine and there were no signs of disease, I would assume he died from the stress of being in such a small school.

Sorry :(
Question is - is having sand subrate an abolsute with Pygmys? The gravel I have is smooth and is the same i use for all my fish, but with Pygmys do they need considerably finer substrate (i.e. IF I want a community tank with pygmy cories, must I buy sand for such a set up?)

No, but it must be smooth and kept clean. Sand is easier to keep free of uneaten food and other debris than even fine gravel.
Okay, thanks for responding. I'll work hard on keeping the gravel clean. Sadly, I do not think I want to bring home more pygmies, so now it'll be harder with the remaining three all on their own :(. I'm checking their water twice per day to make sure things are okay and am just keeping my fingers crossed they can live out happy lives. They're so cute. . .Definetly an enjoyable fish to have a part of a community tank. I'd like to have some in my other tank, but probably won't since that has gravel, as well.

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