First Puffer!


Sep 19, 2005
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Hi all,

After a lot of looking and reading i have decided to get a C.irrubesco (Red-tailed Red Eye) but i may end up with a C.lorteti (Red eye) instead as my lfs thinks they are the same thing. The tank is all set up now and fully cycled :D it was the 10g i was going to house the frogmouth catfish but my lfs cant get one now.

How do you all keep a steady flow of snails on hand for your puffers? I have a friend and there tank has loads and they said i could have as many as i want. I kinda would like a fresh supply of my own, but have no idea how to. Ive been told any snail will do just not MTS.


I just wish i had a puffer to feed my steady supply of snails to. i think I'm a bit too far away from yours. probably if you just have a freshwater tank with small fish that don't eat snails and put in some pesty snails and maybe plants and maybe over feed a little, you'll have plenty. :D
I have a 45g fw tank and a 10g fw tank for the puffer and a small 5g tank which is not being used for nowt... mite just try it?
I set up a little 2.5 gallon tank with some plants floating in it and a light overhead. Put in ramshorns and pond snails, and within a week or so, you'll have hundreds of eggs laid on those plants. Eggs hatch about a week + later. Add small amounts of food and change the water often to keep it clean.
I set up a little 2.5 gallon tank with some plants floating in it and a light overhead. Put in ramshorns and pond snails, and within a week or so, you'll have hundreds of eggs laid on those plants. Eggs hatch about a week + later. Add small amounts of food and change the water often to keep it clean.
good plan. those are exactly the pesty snails I have an overabundance of.
I actually wanted some at first, but now I might rather just have the apples and trumpets, but they're not as prolific and probably not so good for puffer food. I try to give extras to the goldfish, but they have trouble keeping up with them too. i may have to go brackish some time.
In my 126Ltr the snails are al over my plants they are only small but they breed like berzerk, get some vallis :D

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