First Planted Tank!


Fish Crazy
Aug 21, 2012
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This is my first tank and aquascaping to me is just as important as the fish!
I'll be adding root-like wood at a later date with the moss ball attached (not sure how but I'm growing to try it, haha)

What fish would look good with such a setup?

Also, once the plants have taken how do i transfer the plants to other areas?

Thanks for any advice!!

And how do you add a photo, the option for uploading isn't coming up?
Hi there

I use photobucket for adding pictures to my posts.

What size is your tank as that's an important consideration when selecting fish. What types of fish do you like the look of. Regarding plants, different types of plants have different methods of propogation. Some you can cut the partway down the stem and plant the trimmings elsewhere in to the substrate and they'll grow, mainly the tall leafy plants like hygrophilia and camboba. Plants like vallis create little offshots called plantlets. Cryptocoryns create little offshots too which can be detached and planted elsewhere. Then there's anubais which has a rhizome you can cut peices off of. That's just a few I can think of.

Looking forward to pics :)
Right got a Photobucket account now.
I've added the wood now and changed the layout a bit. As you'll be able to see from the photos, i'm still waiting for the water to settle down. I'm currently having to weigh the wood with a stone which is rather annoying as I've even boiled it in water for half a day or so. Oh well hopefully it'll take.

Thank you for the help, I'll need to research my plant types. I just got given a random selection from my LFS. The tank is a 60 litre Arcadia Arc, 60x30x36 cm, just a nano tank as I'm a University student with not a lot of room.

I've gone for a sort of 'Iwagumi' style I think, but this is my first attempt at keeping a fish tank or aquascape so any advice or tips, especially on a low tech planted tank would be greatly appreciated!

Cheers, Axy!


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