First Pics Of My 90 Gal


New Member
Sep 26, 2005
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well my tank is not completed yet, i still have to build a hood for it and i would like to get some more nice rocks in there to get some more hiding places for them too..... i am also going to change my backround soon too, it is nice but it gives a greenish hue that i don't liek that girlfriend painted it on the rear of the tank for me.....




tank looks good but your stocking is a bit off.

i see african cichlids which should be kept in species tanks and like a high PH and then theres clown loaches and RTBS which belong in community tanks with lower PH.

EDIT - jus a thought but u mite wanna make some of the rocks a bit higher. apparently malawis will only swim as high as the tallest ornament. Ive had mine stacked up high since the start so i dont kno if thats true or not but thought id mention it.
That is simply awesome! I hate looking in this section of the forum because everyone has a better tank than me! :-(

I love that lighting that you've used...

How big is the tank?
very nice tank :D I like it its clean lines,no fussy stuff.wouldnt last in my house though without a hood,my 3 cats would be in and the dogs would drink the water :lol: :lol: :lol:
I say it needs a few nice pieces of bogwood or mopwani wood rather than rocks, think that will keep the balance right but I do like it.
Your tank is beautiful!! :D

I've seen lots of african cichlid tanks with clown loaches and the loaches did extremely well. Red-tailed sharks are IMO one of the toughest of fish and can thrive in most any type of tank, and are often not wanted simply because they can be so aggressive. Should do well in your set up! :)

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