First Marine Aquarium


Fish Fanatic
May 30, 2009
Reaction score
Berkshire, UK
I am considering buying my first marine aquarium (always had tropical) and saw locally which contained the following for £300 - I wondered if you could advise on if this looks about right and if I need anything more?

Marina tank: 91.5 x 39 x 32 cm (3ft long) + cabinet

The filtration system is a Tetra Tec EX 700 and includes some ocean rock and live rock and following fish:
1 x Blue Regal Tang... 2 x Clown Fish... 1 x Indian Ocean Sailfin Tang... 1 x Electric Blue Damsel Fish... 2 x Green Chromis

However the owner said they had never bought special lighting for the unit as this was not required? The lighting system is run off a standard 240v plug and the bulb is 25w

As I am trying to be cost conscious before committing I wondered if there is anything more I would need to spend to ensure the move goes ahead well?


I've always had tropical to and not so long ago went to marine.
First thing i will say is you dont need the filter, and the ocean rock is no good also. And the cost of marine is alot more than you budget for.

Marine filtration works by the live rock that is you filtter, you need lots and lots of water movement in the tank at all levels. To help the live rock do its job, the external filter you said about will not help the live rock do its job it will make it harder. As a general rule you need 1kg of live rock per 10ltrs of water. You did not say anything about a skimmer?? Very important. The skimmer and live rock are the complete filtter package.

Lighting is need to for the corals, i'm guessing this person has non? Good lighting shows the fish better help good bactiria grow and if deffently need for corals.

Hope this helps.
Hi & welcome.

That tank is far to small for a regal tang.
As timmer21 said you dont need the filter get about 1kg of live rock per 2g of water for the filtration You would also need a protein skimmer for that size tank you could get a Deltec MCE 300, about £160.
Hexy, :hi: to the salty side of the forum :good:

Sounds to me as if your lfs know you have no idea what you are doing at this point and has tried to off load a tank on you :crazy:

Let us help you set up a tank of your own, with the stock that you want, we will enjoy it and you will have the tank you want, not some lfs ideas of a marine tank!!!

First off, lets think about what you would like to keep in your tank, approx how much you have for the initial cost and lets go from there :good:

Seffie x
Hi Seffie and all. Thank you so much for your help - sounds like this is not the right package then!

I was ideally looking at a tank approx this size 3ft long. In terms of the tank, its my first try so would like something easier to maintain as a starter with 5/6 fish maybe? Like the ideal of the tang and clown fish as starters maybe?

I had budgeted maybe £250 and was looking on Ebay and locally for second hand kit (established). Just really not sure on what the 'kit list' that I really need to make the marine aquarium work? Also what decor is recommended etc?

Any ideas for a starter tank and kit and approx costs would be great and I can look into it and find bargains on the internet.

Many thanks

Hexy, :hi: to the salty side of the forum :good:

Sounds to me as if your lfs know you have no idea what you are doing at this point and has tried to off load a tank on you :crazy:

Let us help you set up a tank of your own, with the stock that you want, we will enjoy it and you will have the tank you want, not some lfs ideas of a marine tank!!!

First off, lets think about what you would like to keep in your tank, approx how much you have for the initial cost and lets go from there :good:

Seffie x
Its a really good idea to think about buying second hand, but not such a good idea to buy someone elses full set-up, it usually leads to tears!!

A three foot tank is a good size to start with :good:

So, for example the juwel rio 180 is approx that size and you can get some real bargains. Look for a tank that t5 lighting, as you will at some point want corals, even if you dont now!!

You will need live rock to filter the tank - approx 20K, best bought from a salty breaking down a tank at approx £5 a kilo


at least two powerheads that turn over 20 X flow between them, many of use the koralias

Test kits for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate and ph - if you are straped for cash, you can forget the ammonia one

Refractometer to test your water

Water containers to carry your water from the lfs

Aragonite sand - start with a 20lb bag (not live sand)


So, just a few bits to get you started

Seffie x
Seffie has got it spot on there!! she is my marine guru and helped me set up early this year

Also if you bought someone else set up I think you would miss out on the fun of setting up just how you want it and I think you learn a lot doing things that way

Good luck have a good search of the journals on here and get an idea of what you really want. I started off just wanting fish not corals and now corals are what I want rather than the fish!!
Dont forget to start a journal with lots of pics showing your progress, we like pics :good:
Seffie, I can't thank you enough for helping me out. It is so useful knowing what is actually needed to get things running. I actually have a 190 litre juwel corner aquarium which I am using for tropical and is the centre piece in my lounge - I have decided this would be the best place to start with and just wanted your thoughts on using a corner aquarium as the first starter and is it easy to transform a tropical to marine?

Realistically how much should I be looking to spend on my first set up? Also which first would you recommend for a starter?

Many thanks

Its a really good idea to think about buying second hand, but not such a good idea to buy someone elses full set-up, it usually leads to tears!!

A three foot tank is a good size to start with :good:

So, for example the juwel rio 180 is approx that size and you can get some real bargains. Look for a tank that t5 lighting, as you will at some point want corals, even if you dont now!!

You will need live rock to filter the tank - approx 20K, best bought from a salty breaking down a tank at approx £5 a kilo


at least two powerheads that turn over 20 X flow between them, many of use the koralias

Test kits for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate and ph - if you are straped for cash, you can forget the ammonia one

Refractometer to test your water

Water containers to carry your water from the lfs

Aragonite sand - start with a 20lb bag (not live sand)


So, just a few bits to get you started

Seffie x
As long as you havent used copper in the tank, it will be fine - its not the best shape in the world but if its going to save you money then go for it :good: It very difficult to give a price, if you are happy to do this over a period of time and scour the tinternet etc for bargains (which can be fun) you can make massive savings

Seffie x

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