first ick breakout

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Fish Herder
May 10, 2004
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hi everyon, ehere's the sitaution:

In my 25G i have:

10 white clouds
3 female betas
3 otos
2 guppies

about 5 days ago i found a white spot on my guppy, i immediately rasied my temp to 80F, put in ick medicine (it said 1 drop per gallon but i only put 11-12 drops becuase of the otos and shrimps), and added a little bit of aqairum salt.

Next time, things looked a little better, the dot on my feamle was gone, but i kept up with the treatment.

today is 5 days after that, and iu look closely at my female guppy and she is COVERED IN SPOTS, not with big dots, but small, very fine grain like white dots (i assume it's ick)

took a close look at my otos and found that 2 of the 3 have hte same thing too! :-( i'm not sure how to treat the otos becuase i heard they are snestive to the medicine. However my white clouds and female bettas are doing just fine.

So today i did a 25% water change, added in ick meidcine, isolated the female guppy and put in some more aquarium salt, i also turned up the temp, this time to 83F.

I'm wondering how i should treat the ick on the otos?
I have no experience with this but I read a lot about it through searches. Do a long search on your favorite engine. From what I read I think the best treatment is to do a salt bath. Take out the infected fish and bathe them in a seperate container with salt. I've no idea on the measurements.
yes, but the problem is that hte ick is attacking my otos, which are usually fish that are sneitive to high salt content, so i'm afraid to go full dose on them.

I can't isoalte them and put htem in a bucket or anything becuase that'll probably stress them out even further, and i won't be able to provide any aeration to it :/ i just dont' kno if i should go ahead and go full dose on the salt on my otos.

(p.s. the female guppy passed away today :( ) i dont' know what i'm doing wrong..:/ i've raised the temp, added a litlte bit of salt and medication..why is it still here?
I'm currently in the stages of battling fluke worms. Parasite clear by Jungle treats different parasites. One of them being ich. U might try this. It's main ingredient is praziquantel. It causes the worms to go into spasms and their immune systems to stop working. I wonder how/who finds this stuff out...

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