First Go At Stocking A 90 Litre Tank


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Jan 24, 2008
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Our 90 litre tank has finally finished cycling (started it after our 240, and it's finished before), so we're now finally looking at getting some fish, which should please our cats, who I'm sure are wondering why there are tanks of water around!

The tank is quite heavily planted, and plants are growing incredibly well. Tank has a Fluval 105 External.

We were thinking of the following stock list:
2 x Pepper Catfish
8 x Lemon Tetra
8 x Purple Emporer Tetra

What do people think? Good list or bad? Anything else we should consider??

Our 90 litre tank has finally finished cycling (started it after our 240, and it's finished before), so we're now finally looking at getting some fish, which should please our cats, who I'm sure are wondering why there are tanks of water around!

The tank is quite heavily planted, and plants are growing incredibly well. Tank has a Fluval 105 External.

We were thinking of the following stock list:
2 x Pepper Catfish
8 x Lemon Tetra
8 x Purple Emporer Tetra

What do people think? Good list or bad? Anything else we should consider??


Bumping - surely someone must have an opinion??

Just like tetras, Corys should really be kept in larger numbers, If it was me i would probably go with something like this.

6 x Pepper Catfish
6 x Lemon Tetra
6 x Purple Emporer Tetra
You might want to consider switching one of teh tetra schools to maybe something that will swim @ the top of the tank more, just if you dont want the middle to look crowded?

It should be fine though.
Many thanks for all the advice - we ended up with 6 lemon tetras, 6 pepper catfish, and 6 glowlight tetra (LFS didn't have any purple emporer); been in the tank for all of 30 minutes.
Keep a very close eye on your water stats if you added them all at once! Ideally you should only add a few at a time to acclimatise your filter.
Yep, added them all at once. Hopefully, it should be OK, as we've spent weeks on the fishless cycling thing - filter was clearing 4ppm ammonia in 12 hours.
Well you're certainly in a better position than most.Just keep an eye out that's all.But you obviously care enough to do a cycle so i'm guessing you'll be watching closely anyway :p

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