First Fish Death


New Member
Feb 26, 2007
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Sydney Australia
ok ive had my fish for about 1week today. I have done my fishless cycle. On the weekend (saturday) ]i bought to new angel fish to go with the 2 silver sharks, 2 opaline gouramis and 2 golden gouranis i already had. for the last 2 days i havent seen one of the angelfish and today when i got home i found ones dead body. I seem to also have a large amount of green algae on my rock that is extremely hard to scrub off. Do you guys think i have a disease or something and what immediate actions should i use to protect my tank.
PS I have a 130liter tank with aqua nova 1500NCL external canister filter as well as lights air pump and heater. My water temperature seems to be stable at 23-25 degrees celcius. Also one of my snails died about 4days ago.
How big were all of your fish? If you silver sharks are the same as the ones here, they will quickly outgrow your tank.

If your fish were all quite large, you could have overstocked and got an ammonia spike that may have killed your already stressed angels.

What are/were your water parameters? Some more info is needed for a better diagnosis about what may have happened. And I don't think the algae on the rock signifies any type of disease.

hmmmm, sorry. while i was typing you must have posted the parameters. I am stumped if the water quality is that good. Maybe you just had an overstressed angel that didn't take too well to the move. That has happened to me once with an endler's guppy... i put him in an understocked tank with perfect water and BAM! he died within a day.
THE ANGELS ARE SMALLER THAN THE OTHER FISH but i saw no forms of bullying before it died. Also its fins havent been nipped
angelfish are not for newly cycled tanks, they need nice mature tanks 6 months old +

take the other one back to the store before it goes the same way along with the silver sharks which will get waaaay to big for your tank, you need closer to 130 gallons than 130l!
angelfish are not for newly cycled tanks, they need nice mature tanks 6 months old +

take the other one back to the store before it goes the same way along with the silver sharks which will get waaaay to big for your tank, you need closer to 130 gallons than 130l!

Bad news guys. I suppose youll all think of me as Maxamus the fish killer because the second angelfish died thismorning. About the silver sharks i have an aquarium that said they will gladly take the silver sharks off my hands when they get to big for my tank.
anyway if you have any help suggestions for what i should do please help me. Also how can i get rid of the algae on my rock i scrub it off each day but it comes back with even more. also what fish should i get next that will go with my current fish are cheap to medium in price and are HARDY!
The silver sharks are already too big for your tank: they need lots of space to swim and larger groups that 2. I suggest for the sake of your gouramis to take them back. Maybe consider some smaller fish? bottom dwellers or tetras?
for the algae, maybes purchasing a small plecostimous would be an idea? It may, however, mean a larger tank down the line, but my plec keeps my tank algae free!

on a sad note i think im going to have to take him to a pet shop :( he's huge.

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