First Fish Death


New Member
Feb 26, 2007
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Sydney Australia
ok ive had my fish for about 1week today. I have done my fishless cycle. On the weekend (saturday) ]i bought to new angel fish to go with the 2 silver sharks, 2 opaline gouramis and 2 golden gouranis i already had. for the last 2 days i havent seen one of the angelfish and today when i got home i found ones dead body. I seem to also have a large amount of green algae on my rock that is extremely hard to scrub off. Do you guys think i have a disease or something and what immediate actions should i use to protect my tank.
PS I have a 130liter tank with aqua nova 1500NCL external canister filter as well as lights air pump and heater. My water temperature seems to be stable at 23-25 degrees celcius.
Added to many fish to soon.
Silver shark are bala shark and shouldn't be kept in tank less than 75 gallons.
Any symtoms to go on with the angel.
Angel fish aren't great choices for a new tank, even one that's cycled. Like most Tetras, I wouldn't add one for a good 5-6 weeks after cycling has finished.

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