first ever water change


Fish Herder
May 10, 2004
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whoaaaa, i can't believe i'm still here!!! i just spent about a good hour or so changing water for my fry (very small water change, i didn't want to shock them too much)

it's been a big day for them :blink: not to mention scary! i used a small syphon, and hopped that no fry would get in :crazy:

well unfournately hwen i first started i did end up sucking one or two :/ i looked in the bucket iexpecting to see a dead fry, but voila there was a tiny tiny dot there! i took a spoon and scooped him up, put him back in the tank and stared at him.

i thought for sure it was game over for him!!! but no, after a while i noticed a bit of twitching, and then some movement, so i poked him with a spoon and zooooom there he goes back to his siblings :thumbs: :wub:

they all cuddled in a corner by the heater wehn i rearranged the tank a bit to get the crappy stuff at the bottom, they were very cooperative for their first water change!! :flex:

well that's my story for the day, i need to take a break before i change the downstiars tank!! whew :hyper:
:lol: :lol: It's scary doing their first water change isn't it?! I was scared to death when I did my first for the falx, even though they are bigger than egg layers. I sucked up a few too... even using the turkey baster! Don't think I've killed any that way though... Now when I suck them up they go zooming back out the bottom before I take it out of the tank. They're gettin smart. :p Anyways, glad to hear it went pretty good! :thumbs:
thats great news.
Congrats on doing the first successful water change and finding so many fry :thumbs:

... you poked a fry with a spoon?! :hyper: :lol:
lol :D i just moved him a litlte with the spoon, dont' owrry i didnt' jab it int he poor litlte guy's stomach or antyhing :lol: i'm very gentle with them :wub: they are hte cutest thing on earth.

any ideas to how often i should be dong water changes now? -_- and maybe how MUCH water i should be changing everytime? so far the 10G is half filled, and today i changed about 1/4 of hte water.
Syphoning up fry is impossible to avoid I think, Lol. I do it all the time when they're young. I syphon into beanie container so I can easily suck them backup with an eye dropper and put them back in, doesn't seem to faze them much. They're tough little cookies for how small they are.

I try to do water changes every other day at that age...water quality is the #1 most important thing for fry, if your water quality drops you will lose fry. My water changes are very small though since I'm doing them that often.


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