First Ever Planted Tank - Advice On How To Improve It Please! :)


Fish Fanatic
Jul 29, 2013
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As the title says, this is my first attempt at a planted tank. It is a 50gallon with 14 tiger barbs (6 regular, 4 albino, 4 green), 9 serpae tetras, 1 redtail shark. I cannot remember the name of the plants unfortunately. It has been up and running for about 2 months now.
Thanks in advance for any advice!! tank.jpg
I like it! It is nice with the mix of green and red plants!
Is it low or high tech?
well I don't have CO2 injection, but dose with flourish excel, flourish comprehensive and flourish iron and have 2 32 watts T8 for lighting so I guess that makes it sort of high tech?
Yeah, I guess it does make it high tech :unsure:
Hopefully with those ferts the red plants won't die/go green!
Is there anything else I should be getting for those red plants? Why would they die/go green??
I cant think of what you could do to improve he look. it looks great already! Nicely done.
Red plants (in most cases) require high lighting and CO2 to keep their red colour. Not completely sure why they change their colour without these but its what I've always been told most need.
oh no :( I really hope they survive, they're my favorite plants out of all of them :(

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