First day of CO2!..... No bubbles.....


New Member
Oct 23, 2021
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London, UK
Hi all,

I decided to introduce CO2 to my tank and excitedly started to get that ready to begin today. However, despite following all the instructions ( to the letter, I don't seem to be able to get any CO2 through the regulator. I've tried every combination of solenoid on/off (and I can hear it click when I switch it on), pressure knob adjustment and bubble counter adjustment, but I just get this - and no bubbles! Advice would be gratefully received.


Does the PSI gauge even move when you adjust the pressure knob?
if the solenoid is clicking means it opened its valve
if no co2 is getting through either the regulator valve is closed or the valve on the bottle is...or the bubble counter valve is closed

to test it...make sure there's no tubing connected to the bubble counter
open the valve on the co2 cylinder
then the valve on the regulator
then the valve on the bubble counter
and finally then plug it to the wall

the co2 cylinder should be fully open
the valve on the regulator is where you can adjust how much pressure you want passing through to the solenoid
and after fill up the bubble counter with water...put some tubing and a diffuser and voilá...
it's best if you have a digital ph monitor so you can adjust things accordingly...but start at 1 bubble every 2 seconds to be safe
on my system I run a ph controller and my co2 does 2-3 bubbles/second and stops once it reaches 6.9
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to test it...make sure there's no tubing connected to the bubble counter
open the valve on the co2 cylinder
then the valve on the regulator
then the valve on the bubble counter
and finally then plug it to the wall
I've done all this repeatedly in all sorts of orders - but nothing. It's like the CO2 can get partway into the regulator (hence it can determine the pressure in the tank) but no further. My hopes of this being user error are fading and I'm starting to think 'faulty item'.
The one on the left? Not even a flicker.
And of course you turned the knob below the gauges? If it still doesnt show any PSI (left gauge) you may have a defective regulator.

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