First BEtta


Fish Fanatic
Jul 11, 2004
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Hey everyone today i came home with my first betta and i can't stop looking at. I can see why you guys have so many. Well i just wanted to see what can go with a betta if anything. Cya Later
Depends on what size tank you have. IMO if you have a 5 gallon and under it is better to keep just the betta; however, if you have a 10 gallon you can add a few other tank inhabitants. I have a VT betta in a 10 gallon with some platies and they all get a long really good. I wouldn't recommend neons or any other fish that tends to be nippy. Guppies are also out because male bettas will mistake the guppies bright tale as another male. Cories might be okay..but remember cories like to shoal, so you need a big enough tank to be able to keep at least 3.

This is just my two cents...I am sure other members will have more advice to give. Congrats on your new betta and enjoy, but be careful...they are addicting!! :p :lol:
Depending on the tank size as mentioned before you could add some cories or some african dwarf frogs :thumbs:
are cories good cleaners because i just bought a betta today and hes in a 10 gallon by himself and i need some cleaners till i can get ahold of a filter for that tank
Cories are excellent cleaners, that doesn't mean you don't have to feed them. You still need to clean the tank too, cories will pick up leftover food, but the waste and water changes are still up to you. They do, however, need a filtered tank.
Ah yes, it starts with one... then two... then it happens... MBS* takes over and you are consumed (insert evil laughter here)

*MBS = Multiple Betta Syndrome

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