First Betta!


Fish Fanatic
Dec 6, 2008
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I acquired my very first betta two days ago! He's unnamed as of yet, but he's an absolutely gorgeous delta tail and has gotten prettier and more social with every hour he's been out of that horrible little cup. I wish I had a better picture to show, it really doesn't do him justice, but I only have my camera phone and it won't take a decent one. His fins are teal, ranging from turquoise to emerald depending on light, and his body shades from a deep dusky rose to grey to chocolaty brown depending on how he light strikes him. I think he's starting to know me already, because he's hiding less and less when I approach the tank and today inspected my fingertip thoroughly at feeding time from a very close vantage. Needless to say, I'm in love! :wub:

He's eaten very little since I've had him, perhaps 5 betta pellets total, which worries me because I've heard they have fast metabolisms and should be fed small meals a few times daily. (Though perhaps this isn't true...?) His water is a little on the cool side for a betta, and I should be getting a heater either tonight or tomorrow. He has no interest in betta pellets or tropical flakes. I gave him a freeze dried brine shrimp and he seemed interested, but I think he deemed it too large to eat.

Does anyone have suggestions of foods I can tempt him with? The brand of pellets I have is called Aquaculture betta pellet food. I don't have the time (or stomach!) to be fussing with culturing my own critters, but I'll try most anything as long as it's not too expensive or hard to find (I'm in the US). He's much more interested in food when I put it on the tip of my finger and wiggle it a bit, but still too timid to try taking it from my hand.

Also any suggestions for a name would be much appreciated. :D


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Try freeze dried Bloodworms, they'll love that. They'll eventually jump to get it from your hand. Careful though my Bettas landed on the hood twice already and once on the floor. Still alive though!
bettas are massive sulkers. he will eat when he wants to. pellets or flake is the best, but dont feed too much bloodworm as it can constipate them.

i have 3 bettas, one in the community tank will happily eat flake food. the two in the divided tank would rather starve than eat anything other than the food Soph sent over with them (even pellett food i bought)

Try freeze dried Bloodworms, they'll love that. They'll eventually jump to get it from your hand. Careful though my Bettas landed on the hood twice already and once on the floor. Still alive though!

so sorry but that really made me laugh!
Lol, thanks so much! I'll try that, maybe that'll get the spoiled #29### to eat.
LoL I wasn't even trying to feed it I was adding a new fish and just move my hand a lil bit to the right, thought I had food in my hand, jumped and missed, landed on the wooden dresser first, bounced, then landed on the floor carpet. 4 foot high drop.

I thought it was badly injured, I put it back in the tank breathing heavily, after two minutes it was fine swimming around and jumped for food again. They love Bloodworms but easy on them, mine's not constipated but pretty chubby. Good luck on your new Male Fighter!

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