First Apple Snail


Fish Gatherer
Sep 1, 2006
Reaction score
South Wales
Hi all :) simple post,

I've kept verious snails but never previously had any luck with apple snails in other aquariums.

Well, after popping a heater into my temporate tank (now at 22'C) I added a single experimental apple snail, and he's very active! munched virtually a whole piece of cucumber, and he's crawling round everywhere! He survived the night, so I have strong hopes!

If he does well, I'll pick up 2 more (after a white and a purple).


here's a quick pic :D

Too cold for apples mate, he will live at 20c but he will get very docile, i keep my breeders at 27c normal apple tank is 24c
Edit: Sorry I'd set the hydor External to 20'C, but upon consulting the internal thermometer, its actually running at 22'C, perhaps thats why he's doing OK?

<Hi there, thanks for the advice,

Well, he seems very active! He's munching on cucumber as we speak....

The shop where I got him from have their tanks at 20'C and they are all quite active (they have apple snails and goldfish in together).

From what I've read, the temperature is from 20-28'C (with longer life expectency the lower the temp).

I'll keep monitoring his progress, but currently he's gliding around all over the tank...>
LFS will be set that low as goldfish dont like hot temps, Apple snails are tropical animals that require temperatures between 20 and 28°C (65-82°F) to stay in good condition.
If the temperatures drops below 10°C (50°F) the apple snail becomes completely inactive and will die within a few days.
Cation sould be used if temperature drops below 19°C/65°F in the winter season. Having your tank at 20c is just cutting close thats all wont do him any harm IF it stays that warm. I would not keep in apples below 22c for their own comfort
Fair enough :)

Well it seems to be stable at 22'C, question is, do they ever stop eating!? I think he must have been really hungry in the shop!
Dont keep feeding him he will just eat and poo giving bad water stats, feeding 2-3 times a week is plenty mate
Cool, thanks man :)

Scheduled water change tomorrow, and no more cucumber for a two days! :D

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