Fireworm And Royal Grammer


Apr 12, 2007
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got 2 questions to ask you all and see if i can get some advice on them.

1: Firstly when i come home from work today i knowtised a fireworm (at least i think thats what it is) It looked just like a centipeed or however its spelt. The body was only about 5mm wide but was a good 3" long from what i could see of it. It was hanging around my new leather coral i added on sunday s o ime wondering if it hitchhiked its way on the rock the coral is on. anyway will it do any harm being in the tank??? if so can i remove it by using the old bottle trap???

2: Got myself a royal grammer sunday aswell and after acclimating it to the tank that night it cowered up in the corner of the tank behind a shell and didnt move. Nest day it had found itself a nice hiding spot in the rocks and mostly stayed there but did come out for food when i fed them. Is this normall behaviour of a royal grammer or is it still getting used to its surroundings???
Re the royal gramma, mine used to hide constantly and I would only see him darting out to catch food. He was so well hidden that when I moved house I though he had died and got eaten as I couldn't find him in the tank and subsequently did not capture him with the others. This was until a few months later when I noticed him reach out and grab a piece of food.

Re the bristleworm, if you catch it taking "bites" out of your coral it would be best to remove it or introduce a predator. Otherwise, leave it.
From memory the Fireworm shouldn't do any damage to your corals (obviously if it does, remove it!). Careful handling them, they have stinging bristles.
Thanks for the advice on that. Seems a shame that its the typical behaviour of a royal grammer as they are so colourfull it would be nice to see them about the tank more......however saying that it may come out a bit more given a few more days of settling in.

Ill leave the fireworm for the time being then....reason i said about it being a hitchhiker is that ive never seen it before. Will keey an eye on the corals aswell to make sure no chunks get taken out of them.
Thanks for the advice on that. Seems a shame that its the typical behaviour of a royal grammer as they are so colourfull it would be nice to see them about the tank more......however saying that it may come out a bit more given a few more days of settling in.

Ill leave the fireworm for the time being then....reason i said about it being a hitchhiker is that ive never seen it before. Will keey an eye on the corals aswell to make sure no chunks get taken out of them.

Royal GrammA :lol:
oops sorry my bad lol....thats probably why i was having trouble finding images from google.

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