My experience with firemouths has been that they are slow growers. Turn the temp to about 82, add some beefheart to the diet. Will help it grow faster if thats what you want. Here is some info:
Firemouth - This fish is now classified as "Thorichtys Meeki"
Bottom dwelling cichlid. From Rivers in Mexico and Guatemala
Likes its food to be mixed up a bit. Such as, flakes one day, shrimp or blood worms the next.. etc
Males may grow up to 6 inches (15cm).
Egg Layer - Males have longer, flowing fins, and tend to be more colorful.
This fish tends to have a "live and let live" attitude to it. However, it can be quite the bully when housed with a fish it doesn't like. This fish is quite capable of taking up for itself without becoming hyper dominant.
Life Span
In the right conditions, Firemouth cichlids
can live up to 15 years.
Ph-7.0 -
Hardness 9/10 dgh -
Temp. around 75f