Firemouths...have Some Questions


Fish Herder
Oct 30, 2007
Reaction score
Florida, USA
Well I have been looking all over town for a cichlid to add to my tank and there is not much to choose from. I found today some rather healthy looking and pretty firemouths. I curently have a 75 gal. housing:
3 tinfoil barbs 4"
1 opaline gourami 4"
1 pictus catfish 5"
8 danios 2"
My opaline is "king of the tank" and only one I think I need to worry about as of now. I know the danios may be too small as the other fish get bigger. From what I have read the tinfoils shouldn't be an issue. The firemouths are about 3". To reduce fighting in the tank would it be best to add just one or two firemouths ? Will they stand up to the gourami and vice/versa...any threat there ?
I do have a 10 gal. tank I can move the danios to later and the gourami if need be in emergency.
Question is:
How many firemouths to add and what do ya think of me keeping the gourami with them ? Thanks !
When the Firmouth's spawn they will dominate the tank. Just like all Cichlids they get very territorial when spawning.
So are you saying I should either get only 1 firemouth or else remove the gourami if I want more than 1 ? Thats what I was thinking. I know the danios, due to size eventually will need to be removed. Would 1 firemouth be happy all on his own ? I am not interested in breeding. I am not too concerned on the tinfoils as they respect the gouramis space...think it would be the same. Thanks
The Tinfoils will get huge anyway, as will the Pictus, Just get the one if you have no interest in breeding, get a male :)
When I got my Firemouths I made sure they were both female so there wouldn’t be any aggression from breading. And they get along fine with my Gold Gourami.

Well I went and bought 1 firemouth and my gourami is chasing him around relentlessly ! They are about the same size. At one point the firemouth turned around and grabbed my gourmai on the mouth :crazy: I am afraid this is teribbly stressing the firemouth out. Is it possible that this will stop in a day or so or should I remove the gourmai :angry:
here is a pic....male or female ? I bought him some floating pellets, Cichlid Gold. Do they like veggies too, lettuce, zucchini, etc. ?

Well, the truth is that Firemouths are pretty much impossible to sex, so you just have to watch and see how aggressive the fish is and just gauge on it's personality.

I found Firemouths pretty difficult to keep, because by themselves they will usually become "boss of the tank" and pick on everyone else, and if you dont want that you need to keep a group of them so that the aggression of the alpha fish is spread.

In your case, I would keep the fish for a few days, after 2-3 days I would think that the aggression will stop as a pecking order is established between the Gourami and the Firemouth, and you may want to try re-arranging the decorations in the tank as soon as possible so that the Gourami does not still think the tank is his home turf. But just keep the fish in there and see what happens.

Good luck and keep us informed!
i have 2 firemouths amongst some cichlids and at the beginning they were in the lower end of the pecking order. now they don't really get attacked as it seems they can defend themselves although they are pretty neutral.

after about 2 weeks i found them more confident. i suspect he will not fear the gourami one day and dominate.
Thank you everyone ! Well the gourami seems to have slowed down on the chasing a bit. When he does get close it appears he is just wanting to put his feelers all over him/her. Only seen 1 nip at the tail. I did rearrange the tank a little before adding the firemouth and today I am going to get some more decs for hiding areas. I think in the near future I am going to set up a 25 gal. tank and move my gourami and the danios in there. Then I can add 2 more firemouths and somthing else...a Jack Dempsey ? Keep this one a cichlid tank.

Having trouble feeding. The firemouth will not go to the top and my ravenous tinfoils eat everything before it sinks. Sooo going to get sinking food so I can add at same time as flakes so my firemouth can eat as well as my pictus. Will the firemouth eat veggies from a clip ? That may help as well.
Well I have been looking all over town for a cichlid to add to my tank and there is not much to choose from. I found today some rather healthy looking and pretty firemouths. I curently have a 75 gal. housing:
3 tinfoil barbs 4"
1 opaline gourami 4"
1 pictus catfish 5"
8 danios 2"
My opaline is "king of the tank" and only one I think I need to worry about as of now. I know the danios may be too small as the other fish get bigger. From what I have read the tinfoils shouldn't be an issue. The firemouths are about 3". To reduce fighting in the tank would it be best to add just one or two firemouths ? Will they stand up to the gourami and vice/versa...any threat there ?
I do have a 10 gal. tank I can move the danios to later and the gourami if need be in emergency.
Question is:
How many firemouths to add and what do ya think of me keeping the gourami with them ? Thanks !

Thank you everyone ! Well the gourami seems to have slowed down on the chasing a bit. When he does get close it appears he is just wanting to put his feelers all over him/her. Only seen 1 nip at the tail. I did rearrange the tank a little before adding the firemouth and today I am going to get some more decs for hiding areas. I think in the near future I am going to set up a 25 gal. tank and move my gourami and the danios in there. Then I can add 2 more firemouths and somthing else...a Jack Dempsey ? Keep this one a cichlid tank.

Having trouble feeding. The firemouth will not go to the top and my ravenous tinfoils eat everything before it sinks. Sooo going to get sinking food so I can add at same time as flakes so my firemouth can eat as well as my pictus. Will the firemouth eat veggies from a clip ? That may help as well.

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