Firemouth Tank Mates


Fish Fanatic
Feb 17, 2006
Reaction score
Miami, FL
What would be some good mates for 4-5 Firemouths in a 125G?

Would Rummy Nose Tetras, Keyhole Cichlids, and German Rams work?

What tank mates would be good, I'd really like a school of something in there among a few other fish?
What would be some good mates for 4-5 Firemouths in a 125G?

Would Rummy Nose Tetras, Keyhole Cichlids, and German Rams work?

What tank mates would be good, I'd really like a school of something in there among a few other fish?

Go cichlids mate !

In a 125g i'd have maybe another 3 Firemouths so you have 4 get maybe a Jack Dempsey and a slavini medium planted aquarium some bogwood and pebbles sand substrate and a nice black background to highlight the plants and fish !
I keep mine with an Oscar, some Bala's and assorted Plecs in a 125 gal.
Jack Dempsey, Green Terror, Salvini, Blue Acara, 3 or 4 Sajica would go well if your looking for another fish that keep well in groups and goes with Firemouths.

Those are my suggestions as thats what i keep in the same tank.

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