Firemouth not well

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Fish Connoisseur
Feb 21, 2004
Reaction score
Long island, New York
I just removed my firemouth from a tank with a mated pair of rainbows. I found one firemouth dead, and moved the remaining FM to my 55g containing 3 pictus, 2 Gudgeons, a rainbow cichlid, a geo surinamensis, a sev, an ABF, and a ropefish. He goes flying around the tank, almost jumping out, smashing into the heater, walls, etc.Then, he goes limp, falls on his side, and remains motionless. I almost flushed him, but I saw his fin and gills moving very slightly. I looked back a few moments later, and he was swimming. Then about a halfhour later he was out again :crazy: Is this some form of shock? I'm really trying to help the poor thing, but all I can do is turn out the light :/ Any ideas? :dunno: Should I try to see if he will snap out of it? Or put him down :sad: He is so colorful too :(
My LFS owner told me once some that some cichlids, larger angels in particular, may go into shock (out cold) when being into a new environment if they get spooked the wrong way and not to be too alarmed if it happens. Be aware, but not panicked...

My large older male angel did this once. He always sleeps pointing straight up. I turned on a birght light in the room at night time one night. he tried to right himself, but I guess since the light was coming from a competely different direction and angel it gave it temporary vertigo. It kept flipping slowly on the spot trying to make himself upright. He flipped about 6 times before he spazzed going lightning fast in many random directions until he hit the glass. He then passed out for a couple minutes, but you could still see the gills going. He woke up, someone else walked in and flipped the lights not knowing, and he spazzed again. From across the room you could here him hitting the gravel every time he flipped, then eventually it took off like a bat out of hell and went headfirst into an upturned flower pot. He was out cold on the spot, this time for closer to ten minutes (seemed much longer...). There wasn't anything I could do at that point, so I left him for the night. The next day he was perfectly fine. Hope this can help you...


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