Firemouth Issue


Fish Crazy
May 28, 2014
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I have just noticed that one of my firemouths is swimming at the surface as if its looking for air,i then looked at it closely and it seems as if it cant close its mouth and looks as if its swollen,does anyone know what it could be?
It could be "lock jaw" I dont know why this happens, but sometimes a fish will over open its mouth. Sometimes they can go back again on their own, if it doesnt you may have to look at euthanasia else the fish will starve to death, when this happens they often cannot eat. Has it been lip locking with any other fish? this would be the cause if it has, check the other fish for any scratches on the mouth area.
Hi,no it hasnt been locking jaw with any other fish,i will look to see if it is eating and if it is struggling i will have to put it out of its misery.
You could try and net the fish and very gently see if you can push the mouth back into position, its worth a try as very occasionally this can work.
Its top lip is up above its teeth,i dont know what to do with it,do i just put it out of its misery,as they say you have to be cruel to be kind
It is up to you, you could put the fish to sleep using clove oil (not an overdose) and holding it in a wet towel (be careful their spines are sharp) try with a pair of blunt tweezers manipulate the mouth back into position then place it in fresh water to wake back up and see if the mouth can be used properly (you will see it open and close its mouth as it pumps fresh water to wake up).  It is difficult to do, I have managed to do it once on an Elliotti. If it fails to use its mouth properly while it is still half asleep you could then overdose the clove oil. It is not easy to do, if you are successful you will need to keep him in a separate tank until he is full recovered (good 24 hours so he is fully fit to go back to the main tank). 

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