Fire Shrimps?


Fish Crazy
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
Caerphilly, South Wales
I saw these in my lfs today, they were selling them £9.99 each, tiny reddish "shrimp" that look just like miniature Crayfish, complete with pincers and general Crayfish shape, I would think they were a Cambarellus species, similar to this one, possibly even the same species, I thought they were banned in the UK? has anyone else seen them labbelled as Fire Shrimp, at their lfs? I know theres also a marine "Fire Shrimp" which they also sell, but these were clearly freshwater, and were being sold as such.
Yeah they are illegal, I bought some before I knew, known as mexican dwarf orange crayfish, cute little critters but not legal they were labled fire shrimp when I got them too.
Tisk tisk! You should move to the US and you can get all the crayfish and shrimp you want :angel:
its illegal? i've seen them here before in southeast asia. quite common actually. and i doubt they'd always stay this small. huge (4-6inches) ones are spotted from time to time
its illegal? i've seen them here before in southeast asia. quite common actually. and i doubt they'd always stay this small. huge (4-6inches) ones are spotted from time to time

Its illegal in the UK to keep them, I dont know about southeast Asia? I would doubt it, and yeah these species, Cambarellus, stay quite small.

Danno, if I moved to the US I couldnt keep any of my Giant Snails, lol, as theres a blanket ban on all species there, even ones which wouldnt pose much, or any threat at all if accidentally released.

Liam, were your dwarf crayfish confiscated at all? or is it ok to keep ones bought as Fire Shrimp?

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