Fire Mountain - Shrimp Tank - Led

Andy Vox

Fish Fanatic
Jun 18, 2012
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I decided that it was about time to sort out my nano tank with my daughter having lost interest, so I went and treated myself to an LED light, the purpose for this is mainly to work out what I need power wise so I can DIY build something for my 4ft and 2.5ft.
Unfortunately the LFS I got it from didn't have the bracket so I've had to mock one up from wood. I'm thinking its too close to the water, but I've ordered the bracket so it should be ok for a few days especially as I can overdose EasyKarbo as I don't currently have any livestock.

Tank: Arcadia ARC 35l
Heater: 50w Juwel until I wire up my Hydor inline
Filter: Eheim 2213
Light: TMC AquaGro 400 Tile - with DIY wooden stand
Fertiliser: EI
Carbon: EasyKarbo
Substrate: Tesco Cat litter
Plants: Hemianthus callitrichoides, glossostigma elatinoides

Sorry in advance for the Iphone photos, I'll make an effort to get out my DSLR once it's grown in a bit more.

Start: (OH DEAR)


Added dry ferts to the underneath to enrich the cat litter.




I've gone with a glosso carpet as I think this will grow up nearer the rocks (where the light is dimmer) giving more depth and HC in gaps in the rocks, I've also added some HC to some of the naturally occurring holes in the rocks (managed to fill them with some substrate too).

LED in action:


Just need to add my inline Hydor heater (somehow I need to go from 10mm to 16mm pipe) and maybe get some nice lily pipes to go on it. Generally pleased with the progress!
The photos don't really do it justice (grrr iphone), the idea is that the HC will cover a lot of the two front rock and the rock behind (the taller, red looking one) will be left alone, then the glosso will fill in the entire substrate area and start growing up the rocks in shaded areas.
I intend to add crystal red shrimp in a few weeks. The filter is already cycled so it'd just a case of waiting for things to settle in.

Time to be patient and wait for it to grow (my biggest flaw).
wow that looks amazing cant wait to see the plants grow out :good:
Love it! But that first picture is more than a little creepy haha :fun:
Looks great so far, looking forward to seeing how it grows in :good:

wow that looks amazing cant wait to see the plants grow out :good:

Thank you both! I'm looking forward to some good growth, hope these LEDs are good!

Love it! But that first picture is more than a little creepy haha :fun:

Really creepy, she lovd it for a week then completely couldn't care less so I've taken it back! Hahaha

Brilliant Andy. Nice placement of the rock. :)

Cheers mate, the iPhone camera really doesn't do it any justice at all. I'll try and get some better photos over the weekend.

In the meantime I've moved the light up slightly as it was too concentrated in the middle.
Can't wait till the proper backet gets here.
I added a handful of red cherry shrimp from my main tank and took a few more pictures now the water is clearing.





I've put a sock over the filter intake to help with baby shrimps.
I'm getting some crystal reds in the next few weeks.

I'm not overly impressed with the led's ability thus far but I imagine the plants will take some getting used to it coming from my T5 tank.
Can't fault the way they shimmer though!

Comments / advice welcomed.

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