Fire Eels


New Member
Jul 27, 2004
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St.Albert Alberta
I have 2 fire eels, thier the same age, prolly arround a year old, maybe less. Over the time, one is now very noticably smaller, and it's thinner, either the big ones just a pig, or this is one way of telling the difference between sexes.. Any ideas?

I love muh Eels ^_^

Generally female fire eels are larger then males, if they are getting the same amount of food and are around the same age you probably do have a pair, female fire eels usually are a bit duller in coloration also.
DeathAdder said:
I have 2 fire eels, thier the same age, prolly arround a year old, maybe less. Over the time, one is now very noticably smaller, and it's thinner, either the big ones just a pig, or this is one way of telling the difference between sexes.. Any ideas?

I love muh Eels ^_^

are they your eels in the pic? How bigs the biggest.I have a fire eel, I've had him abuot 2 years now and he's about 12-14 inches. I want to feed him something more substantial than bloodworm and brine shrimp but its all he takes. He's not thin so he's not starved but I want him to get more nutrients. He won't touch the lancefish the Birchir has which is a shame cos I'm sure he'd thrive on those

any ideas

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