Fire Eel Sos


Fish Addict
Aug 19, 2006
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Durham UK
my fire eel has gone in my filter, and swam down a narrow section and i cant get him out!!

the filter is fixed inside my tank also!!!!

Mine have gone into mine too before.
Is the filter on, and could he get sucked into anything in there?
Can you shine a light into it somehow?
If i were you, i would shine a light into where he is, turn the rest of tanks lights off, and he should, in theory, go into the darker place (hence why he went into the filter...)
When he comes out, then block however he got in, and make some sort of a hide for him, or if theres one in there now, make it better :lol: Using plants, and/or bogwood is best :good:

Thats if he can get out, if not, then you will need to get him out manually, which could be abit harder...
Is there a way for him to come out at the top, because you could intise him up, with food, then get him, and keep him in a bucket/container until you have blocked the enterace points.

Generally though, if he/she can get in, he/she can get out...It may not want to though, hence the above techniques.

Good luck, and try not to panic

i have some experence with eel type fish they love exterior hang on filters, all you have to do is put one or two extra spunges filling the canister to the lid, this will reduce water flow speed but block the interance to your filter. they hate bright light however if you shine a flash light from the outside in, he might just go deeper, please tell me what kind of filter you have, sponge filter undergravel filter exetra

well i guess by now you have solved it.
havent seen the eel in over a week!!! he is deep inside the filter / hope he isnt dead??? the filter is an internall one that comes as standard with jewell aquariums

havent seen the eel in over a week!!! he is deep inside the filter / hope he isnt dead??? the filter is an internall one that comes as standard with jewell aquariums


a week without food? good chance hes dead... I don't know much about internal filters, is there any part that is external? well either way we have to do something about this please post pics of your tank/filter I have lots of expierence with oddballs like eels and they all love filters, if he is alive we need to figure out a way of stoping him from repeating.
Well i have a rio 125, and when mine went into the filter, he was at the bottom where the heater is. There are holes down at each corner of the filter, which you will need to block after he gets out. Shine a light in through the top or in the side, and see if you can see any movement...
When i tryed to get mine out, it didnt come out for a while, even with lights and poking...
See if hes alive first...

A week without food is nothing for an eel (if it is in good condition). Chances are he is still alive but stuck, still alive but quite happy where he is or dead from some other cause (filter propeller, etc).

If he is still alive in there then you are probably only going to get him out by doing a fair bit of dismantling to your filter or just waiting till he is good and ready to come out . I'd personally just bust the filter to get him out and buy a new one if it was beyond redemption (of course you could get lucky and get him out by removing the filter and shaking it around, tipping it upside down, etc).

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