Fire Eel Dead


New Member
Nov 3, 2006
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Bournemouth UK
I had two fire eels and one just died I know this can happen with any fish but im hoping to avoid loseing the second. No obvious reason for loss. Anw way the one I have left likes small worms common garden sort cleaned and blood worms but not anything else as far as i can tell. Iv read varying tales as to how long they get and how agresive they are or arnt. It shares a 160 ltr tank with an active comunity no probs with tank mates and all seem healthy.
would like to hear any tips experiances ect
I bought one a few weeks ago and unfortunately it had a bacteria infection and it died within 2 days. I do know they do tend to get bacteria infections fairly easy. Mine was eating Krill from my hand the first day I got him. They do get huge, I saw a pic today of one that was 36" long.
I bought one a few weeks ago and unfortunately it had a bacteria infection and it died within 2 days. I do know they do tend to get bacteria infections fairly easy. Mine was eating Krill from my hand the first day I got him. They do get huge, I saw a pic today of one that was 36" long.

ty for that didnt know about them being prone to bacterial infections. Did know it was going to get big lol that was in the plan.
my friend john has one, its only about a foot long though he told me they usaly dont get as big as people say they do.
my friend john has one, its only about a foot long though he told me they usaly dont get as big as people say they do.

I imagine because they are not housed correctly or they get ill and die. I wish I could get one 2ft +
I kept one for about six months, got it fairly small, 6-8", and it was maybe a foot when I got rid of it (converted the tank to brackish, nothing was wrong with the eel). It ate bloodworm, earthworms, and really enjoyed live ghost shrimp. It was fascinating to watch it sit so still, have the shrimp walk right up next to it, and if you blinked you'd miss him eating the shrimp whole. Great fun, but unfortunately his tank mates weren't quite as fun, I really wanted some monos, so that was that.
27" fire eel


Its not that they dont grow that big its that they take a very long time to get there, this one was sold to a customer in 1998 and brought back to the shop earlier this year when his owner was closing down the tank and then bought by me about 2 months later, though the staff were reluctant to let it go as they were quite fond of it. He's probably grown another 2 inches in the 8 months i've had him where he is getting the same diet as they stingrays get, high protein and lots of it.
27" fire eel


Its not that they dont grow that big its that they take a very long time to get there, this one was sold to a customer in 1998 and brought back to the shop earlier this year when his owner was closing down the tank and then bought by me about 2 months later, though the staff were reluctant to let it go as they were quite fond of it. He's probably grown another 2 inches in the 8 months i've had him where he is getting the same diet as they stingrays get, high protein and lots of it.

27" fire eel


Its not that they dont grow that big its that they take a very long time to get there, this one was sold to a customer in 1998 and brought back to the shop earlier this year when his owner was closing down the tank and then bought by me about 2 months later, though the staff were reluctant to let it go as they were quite fond of it. He's probably grown another 2 inches in the 8 months i've had him where he is getting the same diet as they stingrays get, high protein and lots of it.

Lovely picture thank you :good: Ill live in hope that mine gets as big and handsome as that.
:no: RIP
Second eel went same way as first cant see any obvious reason for either death. Water is good lots of room calm tank and plenty of real plants (not too many). There you go Ill put it down to experiance and I guse.
£25.00 f'ing quid though.
:hyper: :crazy: :sick: :sly: :-(
thats a shame sorry for your loss :( what are the other fish in the tank?did you examine the dead fish for abnormalities?you say your water is good but what are the test results?
thats a shame sorry for your loss :( what are the other fish in the tank?did you examine the dead fish for abnormalities?you say your water is good but what are the test results?

Other fish in 160 or 180 ltr tank 11 tiger barbs (4 of which green), one crebanesis, one cockatoo, one keyhole, two yoyo loaches, three sword tails, 5 young silver sharks (2.5''), 2 cherry barbs, one pictus cat and 4 silver tip tetras.

Yes did check for abnormalaties but couldnt see any obvious marks rot or yucky bits.

I get the water checked at my LFS and thats all clear. Im running fluval 305 external which aught to be able to cope with a much bigger tank

Nothing else has died since and all seem well so Im hopeing I can just put it down to the frailty of the species.
Sorry about your loss. :(
I had a peacock spiny eel a while back. It was doing great. Loved earthworms. That died for no apparent reason after about 3 weeks. I wondered whether the worms were too big for it to digest, but it seemed to eat them ok. I also read, afterwards, they shouldn't be kept with gravel substrate as they like to bury themselves and it can damage them. Anyway, don't know whether your eel would need the same conditions, so just sharing my information in case it's of any use. (Bit late now though)!!
Sorry about your loss. :(
I had a peacock spiny eel a while back. It was doing great. Loved earthworms. That died for no apparent reason after about 3 weeks. I wondered whether the worms were too big for it to digest, but it seemed to eat them ok. I also read, afterwards, they shouldn't be kept with gravel substrate as they like to bury themselves and it can damage them. Anyway, don't know whether your eel would need the same conditions, so just sharing my information in case it's of any use. (Bit late now though)!!

LOL never too late too share ty

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