Fins torn


Fish Aficionado
Sep 25, 2003
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This is the second betta that has had its fins torn in one of my smaller tanks. I've got this guy in a dual betta hex now and I'm medicating his tank with Bettafix.

I think he was injured because of the filter and bubble bar. He kept getting sucked towards the filter and he'd keep going through the bubbles. He had two small holes in his caudal fin before I bought him, so would that have made a big difference? Those holes are the same size, it's just that the flesh between the spines is being torn apart.

I think he might to better in my 50 gallon tank. What do you guys think? That way he has room to get away from the filter in case that's what caused his injuries. The fish I have in there don't bother each other (though they nip fish of the same species). I'm either going to get a few neon tetras and/or zebra danios this week in exchange for my silver dollars, so that'll either reduce the risk of fin-nipping by the danios or increase it if I add neons.

Can you help me out?

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