Fins Are All Ripped!


New Member
Feb 23, 2003
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My Bettas fins are all ripped up! There is nothing in his tank that could do such damage, its not so bad that thier shredded, he just has holes in them and little rips at the ends! I am sure there is nothing that could rip his fins, I have gravel at the bottom. . . a couple smooth rocks. . . and a shell, but i sanded its edge and it is very smooth. Also, he is in a tank by himself so no fish could be nipping at him. Is there anything I could give him that could repai his fins, and what do you think is causing it?
sounds like fin rot to me if he is in the water on his own and the water variables are all ok then its possible that he has a disease called fin rot there are cures for it at your loacal pet shop. do you have a picture of the fish?
Thanks I'lll try i, sorry I don have a picture. Unfortunatley I don't own a digital camera. He has not improved but I do not see any improvements either. I should have probably added that he has been like this since I have owned him. . .Febuary 14th. . .so could it just be the way he is? Like, his fins just drag behin him and never are full looking, if you can understand that? Also he wasn't with fish before I got him, he was in one of those little cup things (they make me so mad!).
one of my guys was like that when I got him (also in a dixie cup) his fins did eventually regrow...they are not as pretty but he's special anyway.. I don't have a dig. camera either can't wait to get one though...but buying my 55 gallon tank was higher on my list of priorities lol

The fin rot may take a while to clear up.. just follow the meds directions closely & do frequent water changes..Clean water fin rot.

Hope this helps some & good luck :thumbs:
Thanks, I guess I have kind of been slacking off with the tank cleaning lately. Its hard though, I dont have a filter and he's in a 4 gallon with gravel and a light and everything, just no filter. Im saving for a better aqaurium but that should take awhile. I don't mean I never clean it, but I should more often than I do. Just lately with school, work and everything, oh well thats no excuse. I should have enough money for a proper aquarium in about a month, so hopefully I'll be able to make my betta a little happier. I just had to buy him though, he was just lying there in the little cup and he looked so sad and colorless and just depressed. Well, thanks for the reminder, ill go clean the tank now!
He's still acting fine, not dead and still eating lots. He flares up sometimes and swims around the tank, but he's still not full. I've been cleaning it more now. . .oh well, maybe thats just how he is?
I'll have to agree with everyone on the fin rot. You already answered the question I was going to ask you about filtration. The bacteria that causes fin rot (Flexibacter columnare) actually thrives in low oxygen environments, and I would suggest you immediately get some water movement, whether it be a filter or powerhead or air pump. This will help control the population. It also thrives, like most other bacteria, in environments carrying a high organic load. So get to cleaning the gravel. As for med's, depending on where you are, if your in the USA or Canada, we unfortunately have a couple of resistant strains (over use and over availability of the common antibiotics), so it can be tricky to wipe it out. I find tetracycline, administered orally, granted the fish is still eating, works okay by putting enough of a dent in the flexibacter for the fishes immune system to kick in.

You should be able to find a small filter. :huh:
They sell air-driven ones by Smallworld, tho I prefer the one by Hagen (the carbon can be removed).
Also, there's the Whisper Microfilter...wd. prob. be appropriate, but again carbon can't be removed from the insert.
Forgot to mention one other thing, check the temperature. Flexibacter proliferates rapidly at temperatures higher than 75 F, so you may want to lower your temp below that for the time being. Also, make sure to perform small water changes daily, around 5%, to physicaly remove the bacteria from your system.

Thanks guys, but like I mentioned before with me putting myself through school and all, I can't afford it. You probably think I'm horrible but I can't. I have been saving for a better aquarium and I'm going to buy one cheap second hand. I should have the money for a filter in a bit but until then I hope everythings alright. I've even asked people I know if they would like my betta, even though I don't wanto let him go, because of my financial problem. I don't have anything fancy in my tank like you all probably do, just like I said before, a light gravel and some ornaments. I hope he will be fine until I can get a filter, for now I'll just remain to change the water alot. Hopefully he won't go off his food either. Thanks Guys!!!!
You are not terrible. The bowl you have him in now is 100% better than the dixie cup you rescued him from.. Just remember that in order to really do good by him you have to be steady on water changes. You said his bowl is 4 gal. well I have my guys in 1 gal tanks and with lots of water changes they do very well.. I Know alot of people frown on the gal. tanks but I keep them VERY clean & my guys are happy.. Alot of the time you just have to do what's right for you..we are all learning everyday Good Luck :thumbs:

Every day I use a turkey baster to get out uneaten food, fish yukkies and such...then once a week I do a full change. Have had my guys
Nascar , Feb. 2001
Bob, Sept 2002
Flame, May 2003 ( just rescued him from the cup)
Thanks for the help guys!! My tank is going to be much cleaner from now on. . .I appreciate the help alot. I'll haveto tell you about my new tank when I get it. . and it will have a filter because it's tough keeping the aquarium clean without it!

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