fins and things

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Fish Addict
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
southampton uk
my current setup in 96 litres is- you all say its overstocked but anyway!
6 harliquins
5 neons
4 platties
2 otos
5 x-ray tetra
2 amano shrimp
6 zebra danios

noticed today some harliquins are missing and the remaining ones have some rear fins missing. what could have caused this? all water stats are normal.... could another fish have nipped them? although on watching them i see no chasing etc....
could be, can you describe the damaged fins in more detail? any scar tissue? discolorations? any fish labored breathing or sluggish?
I don't see a culprit in the fish, but if your'e are overstocked desease can set in, can youn describe the fins, and post water statas in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph.
water stats are

ammonia - 0
nitrIte - 0
nitrAte - 20

although the tank is overstocked a have had no probs yet.
Laura don't mean to be rude but rember awhile ago you posted something about these fish? Well I TOLD YOU, I TOLD YOU this would happen :/ . That when these fish got bigger that aggression would start to show up but you didn't believe me. So please just get another 25g or long 20g and seperate the group PLEASE!
well you are being rude and i dont really appreciate your input durbkat because all you can do is criticise and be rude
I wasn't rude. I'm hardley ever rude because I don't feel like hearing peoples mouths like yours and I told you nicely before when you posted something about these fish and I warned you that you were setting your self up for trouble and that you needed a bigger or similar tank to seperate the group but you blew me off. So I would have to say you were the one being rude by not heeding my warning. :grr:
i think you were being rude and i dont really want to get drawn into an arguement with you. what am i supposed to do then?
Have you seen any fin nippers, as those fish look fine to me, should get along together.
Alright I'll be the bigger person in this and agree with you so sorry for what you thought was rudeness from me.
thats ok have re-homed danios.... my friend is taking them tommorrow! will they be ok over-night? also what can i get to replace danios (i only want something that stays small)
Could build your shoaling fish up.
Yes or x rays tetra, or even some more wonderful harlequins.

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