Finking of gettin a male and female guppy


Fish Fanatic
Apr 13, 2004
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What requirements do guppys need.

What fish will fight with them?
Guppies need a heated filtered tank, like most tropical fish. They're happy eating flakes, but mine have also had dried bloodworms and brineshrimp :nod: .

If you're planning on breeding them, you should have 2 females to every male. It doesn't take much else to get them going :eek: You'd get fry every month or so.

Bettas will fight with guppies, because they think the guppy is a betta like them. Also, any fish which nip tails and fins should not be kept with guppies.
Tiger barbs are not best kept with guppies and as you said in the title, you want a male and a female. You should get 2 females to every male and be prepared for a lot of fry!
lol well i have 4 tiger barbs so i guess that is a deffinate no no for guppies.

how many fry do guppies have and are they live beareres
markus said:
lol well i have 4 tiger barbs so i guess that is a deffinate no no for guppies.

how many fry do guppies have and are they live beareres
I am not sure how many fry guppies have, but yes they are livebearers and will give birth about once a month.

so i will need to give my tiger barbs first?
You could give away your tiger barbs or.......... buy a new tank!! :rolleyes:

Also, guppies have around 15 fry, I would guess... but that is a guess mind!!

Like cheese said, they are livebearers.

Also, you can buy special fry food, but I just crush flakes up real small for them.
markus said:
is that a yes
I didn;t really understand what you said. :*)

If you were asking if you'd have to give away your barbs, IMO yes. I am sure it has worked for some people but I remember you talking about your barbs nipping the platy, so I don't think your barbs are exceptions.

ok ive got rid of my barbs now, they are swimming happy in my cousins tank which is set up properly and they will be happier there
Annastasia said:
rsz said:
Also, guppies have around 15 fry, I would guess... but that is a guess mind!!
Mine usually have 10-30 fry at a time. :eek:
I was only guessing :rolleyes: :D

Your numbers are probably more right than mine :nod:

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