Fine Gravel Or Sand


Fish Herder
Jan 5, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds W.Yorkshire
Ok thinking of setting up a tank for a new betta (when I have rid of my platy fry), not sure whether or not to use gravel or sand, which would you recomend? Also I only have an undergravel filter for the tank would that be ok or do I need to have a different kind of filter? I currently have a betta in my community tank and he seems to be doing very well (had him for over a month)!
You cant use sand with an undergravel filter, the sand will fall through the cracks.
If you did get a different filter i still wouldn't go for sand. I had it in my community tank about a year ago and didn't like it at all. It looks great when you've just done a water change, but i had about 3 plecos then and cos they poo so much, within about half an hour it was floating all over the sand again :sick: I ended up syphoning the sand about 3 times a day, it was driving me nuts :lol:

I much prefer fine gravel - lower maintenance, and my bettas love picking through it! Sand is great for things like cories, but i wouldn't bother with a betta :)
I prefer sand BY FAR, but that's just me. It's so much easier to clean; no need to dig the gravel vac in it, just syphon off the surface. When it gets dirty I think it just looks more natural and it doesn't bother me at all, but if you're one of those people who wants it to look crystal clean I supposed gravel might be better.
I recommend sand, as well. For my small tanks, it's been fantastic. It shows all the detris, whereas gravel hides it... therefor, easier to clean. In my 5 gallon and smaller tanks, I just use a turkey baster to suck it all up, and a standard small self-start siphon on water change days. It looks rather nice, too.

It just takes forever to wash and prep for the tank. >< I have barely half an inch in mine, just enough to hide the bottom of the tank. Works well, for me.
Thanks for your help now I'm still undecided I suppose I should just wait and see what takes my fancy when I get round to sorting it out! 50/50 vote though! I so hate not knowing what I want

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