Finding Something For My Dafs To Eat


Sep 17, 2006
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Pittsburgh, PA
So, I have two DAFs. Really cute little buggers, though I almost never get to see them. They are extremely timid in my tank (are they always like this in community tanks?) and spend most of the time in the back where I can't see them.

When I got the first one, the bad LFS told me they ate flakes, but after a few days, it was clear that he wasn't actually getting any flake at all.

Then I went back, and he told me to feed reptomin, but to only feed part of a stick. The problem is it floats, so it's usally picked at by the zebra danios if I put it in. If I crush it enough it sinks, and when sunk, it's the only thing I've actually seen the DAFs actually eat. But the currents often push it to the other side of the tank even if I put my hand in and try and guide it to them.

The better LFS told me to use tadpole/frog bites, but the fish really, really like these things. Plus while they sink, they are so small that they drop into the cracks between the gravel where the frogs can't get them, and rot.

I've also tried dropping in a few sinking bottom feeder pellets, figuring they aren't much different in composition from Repto-min, so it's worth a try, but they don't seem interested...though the fish really are interested.

So, I guess the problem is twofold. One, I can't find anything the frogs seem to go crazy about as soon as it falls into the tank. Two, the fish always eat anything I try to feed the frogs, to the point I overfeed the tank trying to get them full enough to leave some food alone.

I'm sure others have had to deal with this as well. Have you had any luck?
Frozen blood worms are an excellent staple diet for DAFs, they love them as do the fish of course.. Defrost some in tank water and use a pipet to squirt them close to frogs.

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