Finding Nemo?


New Member
Sep 1, 2005
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Nevada, USA
Found an amazing LFS. Ofishal Aquarium here in Reno, NV. Large saltwater section. Thought you might like to explore their sight they also have antiques for thouse of you that would like to see a $1999.00 fish bowl :crazy: .
Would also like your input on there Marine info. I was thinking my next tank would be Saltwater and like the Nemo fish and that would be all that would be in the tank. Now I haven't looked real close to this section so what are there real names and how big do they get. I will only be able to go 20 gal 29gal TOPS. This will not be a inpluse buy but well thought out with your help. MTS here I come.
Web address is
these "nemo fish" are clown fish, forgot what the particular species name was but there a few kinds, (im not a salt water expert) but im thinking a 20g would be good for about 3, plus maybe some nice coral and other lil critters. i wish u luck :thumbs:
Kanake, the fish you are looking at are one of two types of fish, either the true percula or ocellaris (false percula). Both are clownfish. I'll let you do the reading on them.

Starting up a 20-29 gallon marine tank will put you in a 'nano reef' category and as such, puts certain restraints on you. These include limitations on how many fish you can put in the tank and, perhaps restrictions on a certain lassitude. What this means is that the smaller volume of the tank leaves little room for error. This is not different from a FW tank except, well, marine inhabitants are a bit 'less forgiving' with regards to lax tank maintenance and poor water husbandry. Eg, our FW fish can survive with nitrates running into the 80-160ppm range (not good to do so tho'). However, if your nitrates start to climb above a 15ppm range with a nano system, you begin to worry. Corals close. Diatoms increase. Etc.

This is not say that you shouldn't do it. Maintaining a nano reef is like a 'subcategory' of marine tank and the numbers doing so are climbing. Bigger is still better. If you decide to go this route, we're all here to help you get up and running. My only advice is..READ as much as you can before diving in. Take your time and research the setup you want. Good luck. SH
I'm all for investagation. I'm willing to wait to do this right. Tell me what to read where to go, books to read. Didn't I see your post on Nano systems are not for beginners? Anyway thanks and this still goes under my list of not rushing into another aquarium. And I'm still interested and all help will be helpful. Just point me in the right direction.
Um.. Actually Nemo is a True Percula clown. :*)

The only true visdible difference in a true perc and a false perc is the number of dorsal spines it carries.

True percs have 9 dorsal spines and false percs have 10 (sometimes 11).

The darker bandings that border the orange varies from fish to fish so its not a true indication of its real species.

Pic of true perc with small back marings which could easily be mis identified as a false.

Piccy of nemo. Count the dorsal spines and you will find he is a true perc :)

Sorry for getting techincal. both fish need the same tank requirements anyway and will give you hours of enjoyment.
Hey dont be! most people never know truely if they have false or true percs because of the difficulties in I.D. ing these fish. The only true way if you have one is gettting a really clear photo (not easy.. even the clowns in my photo took ages before i could get a positive ID on them) that shows their dorsal spines. Or remove the fish and count them physically (not recomended :*) )
ok, it's just that I had been studying clowns for a while, and that kind of knocked me back. All the info for fish I give on here is usually wrong, so maybe I should read a little before I go posting, and making myself look like a fool.
Thanks guys. :clap: I was on the internet all day yesterday. Looking for Nemo. It was really the first time I haden't ran off to the Libary for a book that had been checked out 5 years ago and never returned.:grr: Thank you true,false or other the colors are wonderful. It looks like I need 5 gal us for each fish so 4 in a 20 gal. Now to learn about saltwater the guys at Ofishal (LFS) will walk me threw it and help. As much as they can but I like the idea that I sound like I know what I'm talking about.
Dont' feel bad...I'm still not sure what kind of clown I have in MY tank. I bought it ID's as an ocellaris and others seeing my pix think it's a true perc. are two excellent books to start:

1) Palettas book on starting up the marine tank:

2) Kurtz's book on starting up a mini reef.

Although Paletta's book is out of date, there are excellent basic tenets in the book and good pix on aquascaping. Kurtz's book is clean, basic and just published. Has more modern concepts. Both books do not go over setting up a nano reef, however, Paletta actually DOES have one example. These are good starters if you , like me, like to read first to gather info. AFter reading, both myself and Parker 313 have nano startup threads.

Have fun...this is the fun part. SH

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