Finding Nemo....or Kiwi!


Aug 13, 2003
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British-Columbia, Can.
well i just felt like sharing my little fish tail heheh for the day! i went into my room 2 nite going to feed my fishies........and as soon as i go up to the tank everyone came forward.....except Kiwi who is my female guppy and the most voracious eater! :crazy: i looked all around the tank and didn't see her.....i checked behind in case she jumped out but no Kiwi........ :huh: she wasn't under the rock or behing the air then i checked the filter.........and it seems that my little guppy pulled a Nemo.!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: she jumped up the water fall of my filter and was swimming around above the carbon.......she's probably a little stressed but didn't show it because as soon as she was in the tank she went 2 the front looking 4 food!!!!!!!! :wub: sorry i just felt like sharing :*) :hyper:
Awwwwwwwwwwww. Silly little guppy. Glad she's okay.
My female betta got stuck behind one of my filters so many times I finally decided to move the filter forward 1cm lol ;) Once she was able to swim there she was excited to it got boring for her lol :p
lol~ guess what canis_lupus? it just happended to me too! :) when i go to school this morning i didn't see one of my guppy fry( a month old) i was think it is in some blindspot and i decided to go look for it after school. when i got home i still dun see it, then i started to panic. i was guessing that may be my adult guppys ate it, but i still not certain about it. after a while i decided to turn off my mini filter and check for it's remains in it filter foam. unexpectably it was swimming very fast ( struggling) in side the filter box! :nod: my guess is that it must got sucked up the filter when it was sleeping (water current) and luckly the filter small turbine didn not cut it into pieces. so lucky! hahaha your interesting story was picked up by my gf a min ago when she was reading the forum. 8)
One of my platy fry did that once. When I had a box filter it sucked the little guy up and he was swimming around with all fiber class and carbon lol! Poor little thing :lol: Got him out, and he immediatly swam into a little cave thing I have.

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