Finding Homes For Fry


Fish Crazy
Oct 1, 2005
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I now have 3 batches of guppy fry. I will keep a few but when theyre bigger I'll need to find them new homes.

I was wondering how easy it is to find lfs that will take them, and how old do they usually need to be for lfs to take them?

One other question, when do they begin to show colours?
Most fish stores will take them, however hardly any will give you credit or money for them. In my area, 5 out of the 7 fish stores I go to will take them, not counting Petco/Petsmart.

It really depends on the LFS. Most will take them around 4-10 months, when they get the coloring. Some will take them even earlier. The best bet is to ask.

Good luck!

Edit: Some of mine have gotten colors as early as 2 months. It depends what coloring they are going to get, but by 5-6 months you should really start seeing it.
Hi julia298,

I would ask next time your in the LFS in advance, some stores won't give you anything in return but are happy to take guppy fry. You may be best advertising them privately but well worth asking around any LFS' incase they may give you some feed or credit.

They normaly need to be a decent medium size for most stores to be interested as they often don't wish to have to grow them out before sale.


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