Finches Again


Fish Fanatic
Feb 23, 2005
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Ontario Canada
Ok the first egg has hatched from my Zebra finches, I found the baby at the bottom of the cage alive, I was able (with paper) to put the baby back in the nest. The Parents don't seem to interested but at this moment the female is int the nest with the baby, possibly on top. What do I do, will she take care of it or is she suffacating the baby as I type? Help please.
All I can say is, I hope somebody answers you quick! I keep birds (budgies and a cockatiel) but I know nothing about breeding...sorry! I do know (atleast I think) that if the parents refuse to take care of the baby then you will have to. That means staying up with them all night to keep them warm, and to feed them. You would have to spend all day with them too. This is what people do if they want "hand-raised" babies. They pull them from the nest and raise them themselves. It would be like taking care of a new-born child...ekk! :crazy:
If these are very young finches breeding, they might not have grasped the skills of parenting yet. Not all finches who lay eggs in captivity make good parents anyway.
If the baby falls out of the nest, but all means put it back in (pick it up with a small towel) but if the parents are not taking care of it, there is truly little you can do. I've hand reared many young birds, but unless you really know what you are doing and doing it exactly right (and even then!), you have an almost zero % chance of hand rearing it. Especially a newly hatched. I would honestly suggest to leave it and let nature run it's course at this stage. I know it's hard to just sit and watch and you'd like to help, but really there is little you can do.
Good luck !
For all those concerned about the little ones, all 4 of the eggs have hatched, one baby was found on the bottom again, unfortunately it had died. However the other three have been alive for several days now, there eyes are still closed at this point, but they're hungry little buggers, mouths always open. I think the worst of it is over, the parents seem to have the hang of things.
Great news :) remember to make sure the parents have plenty of good food available and lots of greens. Also provide some hard boiled egg and very finely crushed shell mixed with the seeds, is good too. Photos please ! :D

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