

Fish Fanatic
Dec 16, 2006
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Walsall,West Midlands,UK
I have reserved an elephantnose today and im going to pick him up tomorrow. I have been after one of these fish for about 4 months now and I will be putting him in my 100ltr long tank. I have just purchased 3 rocks to make him a small cave and for the last few months I have been researching this fish. The results differ widley in how large the tank has to be and I have found some people keep one in tanks smaller than mine and some say the tank should be a little bigger. At the moment he is only about 6cms and I have recently moved house and plan on getting bigger tank now anyway. Im really excited about getting this fish does anyone with experience know if his tankmates are ok(see below) and if when fully grown this tank will be sufficient. If he upsets any of his new tankmates the lfs will take him straight back. Thanks for reading.
hell be ok in the 100ltr for now but try and upgrade it. his tankmates need to be updated

the cherry barbs will nip the elephant nose
the black phantom tetras need to be in groups of 6 or more,
he corys need groups of 4 or more.
and the platys like to be in groups of 3 or more

so id do this

1 elephant nose
8 black phantom tetras
4 platys
4 corys
Thanks for the reply :good:I am adding 3 more phantoms later this week if the elephantnose settles in well(saw some in shop today have been after them for a while.) I also plan to add 2 more corys but they are sterbai and have been looking for months without success. You have read my mind for next tank additions. The platy is a little lost he had 2 friends but they died Im considering moving him to the other tank as he got along with the guppies. As for the cherry barbs I will have to moniter them very closly. Does anyone see any agression coming from the elephantnose?
First off - Good buy!

Secondly, I think the elephant is a very shy fish which
may only become aggressive over his little cave.
Oh and i believe they are aggressive with their own kind,

Thanks maximus I have also heard this I am going to construct his cave of rocks which I bought today just before I add him to the tank Im thinking he can make it his own straight away and the others get the message that cave belongs to him.
Thats ok :good:

I was looking at your tank mates and I'd
say that the only fish he might have
problems with are the corys, as they like caves too.

If you see this happening, just build another cave
to give them some options :nod:

But I'm probably wrong lol

Thanks again they have coconuts which they sit in but it might be a problem because they used to live with my pleck and after the pleck started getting nasty at feeding time they just didnt catch on and stay out of his way. I hope they catch on this time and stay away from a cave Ill keep an eye on them, desperate for it to all work out Ive wanted this fish for ages but realise its much more demanding than any previous fish ive kept. Ill have to take it back :angry: if it upsets things because everyone seems happy as tank is at moment.
Elephant nose are shoaling fish but they are territorial I've found. The more of them there are the more they come out. But to keep a shoal of possibly 9" long fish, by shoal I'd say 6, will take a large tank. I know there is one person that says a 6'x2'x2' for a group. They are also easily out competed for food, fish like cories as have no recognition of territories and might be attacked but if that happens you could move them to your 65 litre tank could you not?

This is my experience and a few peoples views.
I cant move the corys to the 65ltr because they get attacked by my pleck, but ive had "Peter" for a day now and although I didnt see him eat last night he seams to have settled ok. The black phantoms are staying out of his way and the cherry barbs dont pay any attention to him. As I am writing this he is sharing a coconut with a cory! This is great news but I also think hes asleep and may not know the cory has joined him. So far he has ignored the big cave I have built him and seems to favour being behind a rock or the darkest coconut. Tomorrow I plan to buy some kind of black plastic pipe with a bend so I can have a cave off the sand. Anyone who knows if the plastic will change water please let me know. I plan to get him to eat some bloodworm after lights out tonight but apart from him eating so far so good, he is great!
All sound good then :)

Dont worry about him eating straight away,
let him settle in for a few days :good:

Mine used to love bloodworm btw
Theres a good 4 page spread in this months PFK about these fish writen by n monks. It is very good
i personally dont think an elephant nose could hurt a cory and heres why. cories are armour plated and elephant noses have exceptionally soft skin i think the elephant nose would hurt its self more than the cory if it lost its rag :blink:

but i have to say i love elephant noses and if it wasnt for all my bichirs id have a shoal of them in a heart beat congrats on a great fish :good:
i have an elephant nose and it's not a terratorial fish at all.
it's probably just as friendly as your cories infact.
they are a social fish and like to be in shoals/schools but can live on their own.

he probably won't eat at first. if you feed him flakes and pellets at first he definatly will not eat at first.
try putting blood worms in the tank and then turn the lights off.
this will help him eat, because he's a nocturnal fish, and he will get to know the tank at his best... in the dark.

after a week or two of doin this, you can start to feed him with the lights on and he will most probably come out and eat while your other fish are eating.
after a month or two, he may start to try flakes and maybe even pellets.
A lot has happened since I purchased Peter again thanks for the replys. I am watching him all the time but as I anticipated it is easily my most difficult fish to keep. He eats bloodworm after lights out which is great he has also eaten tubifex. A few days ago I thought he had white spot but he seems fine now (maybee watching him too closly) This forced me into searching internet for a cure that wont kill peter and "wolf" has treated them sucessfully. I have ordered some medication for him but at moment tank seems fine. He sticks to his cave until dark then he swims around the whole tank. Sadly he is teritorial over his cave and will chase anything that comes near it away (especially the corys). He is doing no damage and sometimes the corys dont move they are literally pushed out. Although I still dont like it as he now darts at them and when "peter" gets bigger he is going to stress the corys. I plan this week to move my pleck into the tank, change my smaller tank to sand then put the corys in there. They can at last be in peace and I will get them some freinds. Although "peter" has made me change a few things he has been every bit as interesting as I thought he would be. He is a great fish, my best ever buy! I will post a picture of him when I find out how to do it.

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