

New Member
Nov 20, 2005
Reaction score
Orkney Isles, Scotland
Well I've waited a long time and not I have him, got my Betta today. He's a little veiltail, red fins and a kinf of red/blue/ purpley colured body. Not patterned, just a full colour. I was going to buy one and get him sent to me but when I saw this guy I had to have him, he was the only fighter in the shop.
I'll get some pics up later hopefully when he's happy in his tank. He's sniffing around it like a dog just now, exploring all the different plants and corners and things, quite amusing!
Not got a name for him yet. :D
Ha ha! Thats a good one, might just stick :lol: He's not being very photogenic for me just now, not getting very good pics as he's swimming along the back which is blue and he's kind of hard to see against it. I'll keep trying... :S
Have someone hold a mirror on the side of the tank towards the front then he will come to the front and start flaring which will be the perfect time to snap a pic of him then a pic of the tank. What size tank is he in?

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