Finally Got Fish!


New Member
Aug 29, 2006
Reaction score
Coventry, UK
Hi all

My 15 gallon tank finished cycling two weeks ago and after some long decisions i now have some fish!! I have 2 female dwarf gourami and five rummy nose tetra. I no that tetras and gouramis are not recomended for new tanks but i am having real troiuble finding good quality fish that are suitable!! I have tested the water every day for two weeks( this is how long i have had the fish) and the nitrates and ammonia have not moved from 0!! All fish look happy and are active and showing good colour. I have a few questions.

1, what other fish would be suitable to add or am i nearly fully stocked?

2, can i add two ammino shrimps?

3, how do gravel cleaners work and what is the best make? ( Preferably cheap )?

thanks any help welcome

PS i have two rena filters in the tank for extra filtration
you could add some danios maybe afew tetras im not sure if a ram would work but i think it would be okay. Im not sure about the shrimp though. And by gravel cleaners im guessing you mean siphons. you can buy a siphon for about 10 USD and instructions for use should come with it.
Congrats on the tank, verdamper! Don't forget to give us pics. I don't think you would have the room for danios- a school of 6 would take up a lot of space, make a certain amount of addition to the bioload and, with their hectic ways, might end up stressing the gouramis. What I would do is add 4 or 5 amano shrimps. They are more confident when there are more of them, their bioload is relative low and they are great fun to watch. The other option would be to add another rummy nose. Btw I am glad there is someone appreciates female dwarf gouramis. I think they are beautiful with their subtle colouration, but often they are hard to find.
A common and cheap gravel vac is the one with a plastic head attached to a piece of pipe. You get the suction going by moving it up and down in the tank until water starts flowing into the bucket at the other end of the tank. For a 15 gallon, you want the smallest size.
Thanks dwarfgourami

I picked females due to the low aggression levels compared to males and i still think they are lovely fish. i think i am going to get some shrimp but would also like a few other fish! at the moment the tank still looks a bit empty :(

I have also thought about some african dwarf frogs

what do you think?

Thanks for your help
wouldn't the shrimp go after the dwarf frogs? I would say maybe another school of 5 or 6 of 1 fish type in this list:

white cloud minnows


neon tetras

you could add a barb if you wanted i would do a cherry barb as they are not fin nippers and tend to be less agressive.

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