Finally Got A Couple Of Pics

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New Member
Mar 31, 2006
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Seeing as I have 16 bettas now, these are only a couple. These were taken with my camera phone, so they aren't great, but you can get the drift. I need to get my good camera out and start snapping better ones.


This is the one that I would like to have done in stained glass, but I can't get a good color shot of him. He is actually green and orange.


This is my "dead" fish. He looks like he should be dead anyway. He is blue and white marble with a couple of red spots on the anal fin. He looks like he was shot. :D He is pretty scary looking in person. Something out of a Stephen King movie.


This is my bright orange. He is one of my only solids.

My little Angel. This little guy just wont seem to get any bigger. He has definitely grown since I got him, but he sure isn't as big as the others. Pretty little thing.

And here is another pic at my he/she. I still can't tell whether it is a male or female, but still a pretty fish all together.

Thanks for looking. Hoping to get better pics soon. I would like to create a collage like I have seen in signatures. That would be a good display.
For a camera phone, those pictures are pretty good.

Betta#1: I've always fancied bettas with spots on 'em. :)
Smartie looks like a relative of my Koi.. is Smartie really that orangey? he is super

Zookeeper you have some lovely fish...why does that one look like he came out of a SKing film? lost the plot :-(
Smartie looks like a relative of my Koi.. is Smartie really that orangey? he is super

Zookeeper you have some lovely fish...why does that one look like he came out of a SKing film? lost the plot :-(

I will have to get a better pic of him. Humans go blue when they die, so if bettas did that, he would be what they look like. His eyes are even glazed over like a dead human. It is very weird. He has 2 red spots on his anal fin, so that is why I say that he was shot in battle, and now he is dead. :D

Looks like I have a relative of your first betta, I call him Smartie


Yup. :good: Looks just like him. Except yours has a longer tail. Mine has that blue tint to him, but it didn't pic up in these pics. Nice fish.
The first guy you posted would be called an apricot spot ;D and is he ever handsome! 16 bettas! i wish i could have that many.

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